Chapter Five: Rubys are a girls best friend!

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Later that day, after the class had sloppily stumbled through geometry and read some nonsensical poetry it was finally time for lunch. Anne followed Diana to the corner of the classroom that was occupied by a decently sized group of girls. Anne tried to hide behind Diana, she was still embarrassed by the events that had taken place earlier. Diana noticed Anne trying to hide and lightly pushed her in front of her. Diana cleared her throat to gain there attention

"girls...this is Anne." Diana smiled with pride showing her off as if she was a prize. Anne attempted to put on a very, very, very fake smile but was to overcome to do so.

the blonde girl from earlier looked her up and down then winsed

"god shes even uglier close up" the girls around her busted out laughing, everyone in the room began to take notice as Anne's face became increasingly more red. Gilbert began to make his way over to defend her but before he could a tiny doe eyed girl stood up.

"Well I think she is extraordinarily beautiful...not everyone can be as bland and boring as everyone else." The girl gave Anne a fat grin and placed her hand in front of a flabbergasted Anne "i'm Ruby!'' Anne smiled in return "its very nice to meet you!"

Although Gilbert was glad Anne had made some what of a new friend, he couldn't help the slight burning sensation he felt knowing he had missed out on a very detrimental chance to speak to the new girl. there was something about her he couldn't get out of his head...a kind of electricity he had never felt before. he knew then he would do anything to be near her or talk to her for as long as they knew each other. 


After that agonizing lunch Anne was more than happy to resume class. She rushed to her seat by her beloved Diana. The teacher was still sitting at his desk reading a book. he glanced up from his book for a moment and waved his hand

"free day." he exclaimed resuming his book. everyone cheered and began talking among themselves. Anne watched her teacher for a moment admiring his focus. Anne more than anyone understood the places a good book could take you. She began to imagine a dancer twirling to the rhythm of the voices in the room. Anne's daydream was cut short by a piece of chalk landing in front of her.

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