Chapter Seven: Blood Does Not Make A Family

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It had been three weeks since Anne had been to school. Diana would beg and plead for hours for her dear friend to return to school but Anne would never budge. Instead they created a plan to allure to Anne actually being at school.

Every morning Anne would wake up, make breakfast then wait for Marilla and Mathew to appear down stairs before she would makeup some fake excuse to leave early for "school." She would then make her way to a run down shoe factory on the north side. It was a small shoe shop but Anne liked it. It had a type of simplicity she found enchanting.

This morning was like no other, Anne woke up as the sun began to slightly rise. She smiled tracing the sea of colors that emerged as the sun rose to the new day. She always imagined that when the sun set he was actually just going home to rest, just like the rest of us, and when it rises he was just simply doing his job.

Anne rushed down stairs realizing her flow of imagination was wasting precious day light. When she finally made it downstairs Marilla and Eliza were already chatting over there morning tea. Anne began to panic, this had been the first time she hadn't woken up before them. she quickly started to sneak past them taking the opposite hallway to the door. But she had done so, so sloppily, that the old oak floors creaked in agony.

"Anne?" Marilla asked from the other room. Anne bite her lip unsure what to say

"morning Marilla!" she walked to the kitchen doorway making absolutely sure not to go all the way in to avoid the risk of being dragged into questionnaire on school.

"come join us for tea, theirs a full kettle!" Eliza said smiling and gesturing to the silver kettle. "oh I would want nothing more...but I promised Mr. Phillips I'd be there extra early to talk about putting me in advanced classes!" Anne caught her breathe and smiled she was so glad she made it through that whole book without even stuttering. Marilla's face lite up "advanced classes! oh Anne i am ever so proud we MUST celebrate!" Anne's smile faded as much as she hated school, she hated deceiving Marilla more."no, no, no it's totally fine! I must get going now." Anne kissed Marilla on the cheek and walked to the shoe factory.

"did she seem a bit...I don't to you?" Marilla asked pouring herself another glass of tea. Eliza scoffed "she's the same amount of off as she always is..." Eliza noticing the slight stiffness this gave her friend decided it best to elaborate. "I mean in a good way" she smiled. The two turned as they heard a knock on the door. desperate to escape the awkward silence Marilla stood up with a grin "I've got it."

Marilla looked through the peep hole, a tall limber boy and rosy little girl stood holding some books and a broken slate. Marilla curious opened the door.

"yes?" she said intrigued. The short blonde girl smiled

"is Anne home?" the girl was the classic kind of beautiful with a soft complexion and kind eyes. Marilla looked at her puzzled "Anne just left for school I'm sure you could find her there" Marilla began to close the door but when it was half way closed the slender boy let out a questioning "huh?" This made Marilla open the door again. He continued "Ma'ma Anne hasn't been to school for three weeks" Marilla's faces washed of all color. "wh-w-what?" the kids explained everything.


when Anne got home that night she was greeted by Marilla, Mathew and a extremely embarrassed looking Diana. Anne looked at Diana puzzled, Diana mouthed back a tear drawing "I'm so sorry Anne."

Marilla pointed to the chair just in front of her. Anne reluctantly obliged,

"H-have I done something wrong?" Marilla's eyes narrowed, Anne's heart now beating a million miles a minute.

"Have you done something wrong!" she yelled Anne flinched "how could you! how could you lie to us the way you did! after everything we've done for you! we have treated you as our own blood and you betray us like this!" Anne looked at Mathew pleadingly but only when he looked away did her tears start flowing. "I'm so sorry Mari-" "not good enough!" Marilla interrupted. "I-I thought you wouldn't want me anymore okay!" Marilla looked at her. "I thought...if i told you what i had done to Gilbert...that, that would be it that would finally be what makes you realize you don't want me anymore...t-that you don't love me!" Mathew shot his head to Anne

"you may not be our blood b-but you know for sure and certain that there is nothing in the world you could do to stop us from loving you!" he finished looking at her. she had her tear covered face covered by her hands "I am so sorry...I ruin everything" Marilla couldn't take it any longer "oh Anne" she wrapped Anne in a hug. Mathew and Diana joining.

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