one || abiding

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[ Okay, the title of this book might not stay this way, but if I think of anything better, I'll let you know! Also, please chose a number between one and two. You'll see eventually. Enjoy, more coming soon! ]

abiding : continuing or existing for an indefinite time

"Tokyo here we come!" Kelley said excitedly as Georgia helped put her luggage in the back of the truck.

"Kel, quiet down." She warned as the two of them walked back around to either side of her truck. Becky was already in the truck, and it was going to be a little tight, but the three of them were off to Tokyo for the Olympics. Georgia had offered to drive to the airport so the other two did not have to worry about their cars, and although it was not roomy, it was comfortable. She just had the bench seat in her truck and no backseat, so the three of them sat in the front, Georgia behind the wheel, Becky in the middle, and Kelley getting the window seat.

"Thanks for picking us up, GJ. I didn't really want to be driving at two in the morning." Becky said with a chuckle.

"Not a problem. I just came from a shift at the Fourth, so I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon." She answered with a sigh. She had not even gone home, and although she was going to miss him, she needed to get away from Antonio for a little while, even if that meant leaving without saying goodbye.

"Everything still on rocky waters at home?" Kelley asked, peering around Becky to look at Georgia.

"Yeah, they are." Georgia sighed. She did not want to talk about it, but knowing the two of them, they would get her talking. "It's my choice to make, why can't he respect that?" She commented aloud.

"GJ, I know where you're coming from, but I also understand where Antonio's coming from. He just doesn't want you to get hurt. You had that scare last month, and I can see where he would want you to stop." Becky explained to her as she pulled into the airport parking lot. Georgia knew that Antonio was only looking out for her, but she could make her own decisions.

"I know, but I need him to support me in my decision to continue." She murmured as she helped get their bags out of the bed of her truck. She locked her truck and put her keys in the front pocket of her bag. They were flying up to the Oakland International Airport to meet the rest of the team and fly to Tokyo that morning.

"I'm sure it will pass. You've already got the wedding planned for November, so hopefully this goes past you." Kelley piped in, and the three of them laughed.

"An argument will not deter me from getting married. I will be Georgia Rivera in five months." She responded with a grin as they walked to the lobby entrance of the airport.

"Are you going to change the last name on your jersey?" Becky questioned curiously.

"You know, I've been thinking about it, but I don't think I will. I'm G-J not G-R. Plus, Jacobson is who I am. Legally I'm changing it, but not for the game. At least not right now anyways." She told them as they went through customs.

"I understand that, but we still call Jules 'JJ' even though it's not her initials anymore, just saying." Kelley said, and Georgia looked to her and playfully shoved her. She threw her hands up in surrender, and the three of them laughed as they went to grab coffee before their flight. They had a half hour until first call, so the three of them took the coffee back to their terminal and sat there, a comfortable silence between the three of them. There were not a lot of people on a three in the morning flight to California, so they would basically have the plane to themselves. They boarded the plane after a little while and got comfortable in their seats. The three of them had no one around them, so they switched seats to where they had rows to themselves instead of being right next to one another. They barely paid attention to the flight attendants and their safety instructions because they flew so much. Eventually they were up in the air, and it was the first moment in about seventeen hours that she had had a chance to sleep, and it found her instantly. Even if it was only an hour of sleep, she needed it.

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