Sunday, 5 may 2019

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Okay, this has been happening for a while now and I thought I should start posting about it.

I know a lot of people use this app and are into some scary stories but this one isn't like others. No vampires, no wear wolves, none of that. I've been experiencing strange things in my house, usually just electrical related, but at this point I know it isn't faulty wires.

I've contacted so many electricians and they think everything is fine, well I think otherwise.

My two dogs, a German shepherd and Jack Russell, always bark at whimper at a window upstairs it looks right out to an old worn down abandoned house.

I wouldn't even call it a house anymore.

At exactly 11:35pm every night they meet there and bark, occasionally scratch at the wall under the window, this has been happening for about a week now.

I tried looking into that house, googling my address and trying to find out about the structured pile of rubble, but I have found absolutely nothing.

I guess it's normal right? It's just an old house and I doubt there's anything special about it.

Anyways I just wanted to let people know what's going on (If anyone reads this), I'll keep updating about anything more that happens.

Maybe I'm over reacting.

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