Wednesday, 7 May 2019

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Okay so I went into that house today after work, I left early cause I was 'sick' (don't tell my boss) and went straight into the nightmarish property.

I brought a flashlight in my handbag to work because the windows are boarded up, so I doubted any light would get in easily.

It started off pretty normal, just a bit wrecked and some tags here and there, but there was this one room... it looked burnt, I noticed some ash on the outside of the doorway.

So, obviously I walked in and I quickly noticed a foul smell, I didn't look for the source obviously, I'm not THAT crazy.

This made me curious however, I noticed an old looking computer in the corner, the screen had a huge hole in the middle and it looks like it caught fire.

This made me a little disturbed.

All in all though even though this house is run down, I don't think it's all that old.

Anyways so it's currently about 2am and tonight was weird. Obviously as usual the dogs gathered at the window but stayed, they're still there now and I'm not sure what to do.

They weren't barking at the window this time though
They were barking at my computer. When I went in to check the screen was fuzzy like a broken tv, I'm gonna get it looked at soon.

I'm really scared

But I'm gonna do more digging

I'll update more soon

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