Saturday, 21 July 2018

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I've spent the past few days stressed as hell.
I'm giving a warning for this update.
I don't know why I've decided to write this to you all but... here it goes.
My Jack Russell went missing the day after I had that dream, I thought at first maybe he'd gone over to the neighbors house as he usually does but nothing.
I couldn't find him anywhere.
I was texting anyone I knew I send out papers but nothing. So last night my German Shepherd was crying at the window facing the other house of course. That's when I thought, hey Billy must be in there. So I went over, calling and whistling, nothing. That's when I smelt something burning a little from inside the house. Part of me wanted to just leave and call the fire department but no I just HAD to go look.
It was coming from the room with the computer.
There I saw the most horrible thing I've ever seen.
Worse then any movie
Or anything you'd hear in a story.
I saw my little Jack Russell with it's head jammed into the computer screen, his body limp and the front half burnt.
I went back and checked the camera at the front of my house to see if someone took him but nope, nothing. I also checked to see if anyone had come into or left that house and nothing at all. Just my little boy running across the road to his death.
I think I really need the police now.

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