Chapter 8

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For the last decade, there had been little talk of anything else except for the Golden Hunt.

An hunting contest held every century between the royal houses of the remaining Eight Heavenly Realms, whomever won would win fame and renown, as well as a golden egg bestowed by the Jade Emperor which was to grant any wish within his power.

Beyond the actual contest itself there was dancing and feasting, and many rewards and decrees were often made during the time of the festivities. Young immortals came to ask for the hand of the girls they liked, and outcasts or their families could seize upon the lax and good mood of their masters to beg for clemency for their crimes.

Ruyi and the others were walking along the long side streets which ran adjacent to the palaces and which were specifically made so servants could walk to and fro without running into and slowing down the masters on the main paths; when they saw a gaggle of other servants gathered around a notice pinned to the wall.

Jiajia showed her worth as she physically removed several people in their path so they could read the sign.

Notice for the Upcoming Golden Hunt

The Golden Hunt, held once every century, will be taking place in the Imperial Realm.

Any servants with experience in song and dance are invited to present themselves for an audition on the 23rd of this month at the Department of Music. The Jade Emperor and the Pure Empress have given permission for leave on that day of all non-essential servants for the purpose of this audition.

Written by Linxi, of the Department of Music.

"Linxi-daren is in charge of all the entertainment for the Golden Hunt as usual," A maidservant was saying close to them. "Last year a maidservant who performed as a backup dancer for Concubine Miao attracted the attention of the Phoenix King's eldest son, and became his concubine!"

"Considering how many concubines Prince Fengxiao has, it's hardly amazing."

"I'd like to see you manage it then!"

"Poor Prince Fengxiao, he's come runner up to the Third Prince three centuries in a row!"

"He'll never be able to best the Third Prince, he is a dragon after all and Prince Fengxiao is just a phoenix."

"Speaking of the Third Prince, why do you think he has never married? The Second Prince already has a wife and three concubines."

"How easy is it do you think with Princess Yuting hovering around all the time."

"Wasn't there a rumor about some flute immortal? A girl from the Mystic Realm...?"

"Shhh, we're not allowed to speak about that! If the Princess Yuting hears you speaking about her she'll turn you into an ogre for a decade!"

"Well if it's flute playing he likes I can do it too.. perhaps I'll get a chance to show him at the Golden Hunt."

"Look at all these toads trying to eat swan meat," Ruyi muttered lowly to Ting'er but found the other girl was not listening. Instead, she was staring up at the notice with a wide-eyed expression. Ruyi raised her eyebrow. Ting'er was a talented guzhen player; even the Empress would sometimes summon her to play in the background while they entertained guests. "Don't tell me you want to audition?"

Ting'er went red. "Why, don't you? Don't you have experience in music as well, Ruyi?"

"Well I learnt to sing and dance when I was a child," Ruyi admitted. It was the regular training given to all the girls at the brothel. "And my teacher always said I was naturally gifted."

"It is because you're a fox." Ting'er said. "They are all naturally gifted in the performing arts. And you needn't be modest, Jiajia and I both know how good you are." A smile touched her lips as she remembered the last time Ruyi had danced for them; a human dance and song called Farewell on Plum Lake, the graceful movement of her body and the expressions on her face, she had perfectly expressed the aching sadness of the General's wife bidding him farewell. "I didn't know such music and such emotions existed among humans until you showed me."

"Of course they do. Their emotions are stronger than ours." Ruyi said calmly and matter-of-factly. At the other girls' incomprehensible stares she smiled. "Their lives are so short and fleeting, each moment, each opportunity is one that that will never come again."

"But their love cannot compare to an immortal's love..." Ting'er replied slowly. "Once we love, we love eternally and that is a long time to be together or to be separated."

"Is a love less powerful because it's shorter in duration?" Ruyi shrugged. "You don't need to answer, it's a question I don't have the answer to either."

"I've never been in love." Jiajia put in shyly. The large girl's face was red.

"Silly, of course not." Ruyi teased. "We are all only a few hundred years old, plenty of time to meet the right one. Right Ting'er?"

But Ting'er said nothing, she only smiled and stared at the ground as if she had some secret. Ruyi opened her mouth to tease her but then closed it again after several moments and changed the subject instead.

Just as she reviled hypocrisy in others, she couldn't stand it in herself.

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