Chapter 12

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"Is this all they gave you?"

As she stood in front of the swirling Nine Realms portal, the familiar voice behind her made her stiffen. Slowly Ruyi turned around until she saw Rongling standing behind her. The blonde lion immortal stroked his long beard.

"Since they don't intend for me to return, it doesn't matter what they give me, does it."

She spoke in a dull voice and had a dead look in her eyes. He didn't blame her. To be sent to the Dream Peach Isle, it was the most painful suicide mission one could think of.

"It is not impossible to defeat the Nightmare Beast you know," Rongling said. "The former Lotus Crown Prince did it. He defeated the Nightmare Beast and captured it and gave it to his father as a present. That was how the Elder Emperor obtained it."

Ruyi said nothing but continued to survey the portal. The nine golden rings moved in perpetual motion, intersecting with each other, forming a swirling light inside. Through this one could travel to any of the other Realms.

"Around the same time the Elder Emperor had finished creating the Dream Peach. And thus he decided to use the Nightmare Beast to guard it. Do you know why?"

"...It was a trick to punish the greedy."

Rongling cocked his head. "A trick...? No it was not a trick. Everyone knows how difficult a Nightmare is to defeat. Any of those who tried without adequate preparation, well he cannot be blamed for their foolishness. But there were many of those who were not so foolish. They trained and trained and trained, until their qiuwei increased exponentially. Perhaps they are still training to this day. It was the Elder Emperor's hope that by the time they were ready, by the time they had finished, then they would have solved their own problems or that time would have dulled their desire, and they would no longer have need for the Peach."

Ruyi nodded. It didn't much matter to her. She wasn't interested in any peach, nor did she want to give her life for it. Mother... if I only I could see you just one more time...

Rongling surveyed the girl in front of him. She wore the threadbare shoes and clothes of a peasant and no weapons. Her face was bare and unadorned. But from her eyes shone a light he hadn't seen in many centuries. The eyes of a fox... they are mesmerizing enough to make you lose your reason... The old immortal sighed. No wonder they could not tolerate you in the inner court.

"I have been bidden to lead you the isle, but beyond that I cannot help you. But before we leave there is a question I have to ask you again - what is that you have got around your neck?"

Ruyi reached up slowly and touched her bare neck. At the same time she heard her name being yelled. Rongling turned around. Huffing and puffing as she raced up the stone steps to the high mountain peak, Ting'er appeared. "Ruyi, wait, wait! Don't go, there must be something we can do. It's suicide to the go the Dream Peach Isle!"

Ruyi gazed at her helplessly. "What else is there to do?"

Ting'er wrung her hands. "Perhaps... I can go beg the Emperor for clemency. He... everyone says he is partial to foxes. If he knew what the Empress was doing..."

Rongling shook his head. "Little child, I appreciate your loyalty but the Emperor does not interfere in the Department of Justice's decisions, particularly when it comes to the inner court."

Ting'er began to cry. "But then will I never... will I never see you again Ruyi?"

Ruyi looked at her with blank eyes for several moments. She was so overcome with grief and fear that she could hardly summon the will to care for another. But then she swallowed deeply. Her expression changed and became softer. She reached out her hand and Ting'er took it, falling to her knees and crying. "The Department of Justice has struck my name of the registrar of immortals so I am never to be reborn as an immortal. But perhaps at the end, when we have spent all our lives, we may see each other again in the Endless Heavens. Ting'er when you can... when your time of service here is done... can you go to see my mother in the human world?"

Ting'er sobbed harder. "Of course... of course! What shall I say?"

"Tell her what has happened to me... tell her how I died! And tell her I want revenge for what they have done!"

Startled Ting'er let go of Ruyi's hand and reeled back. Even Rongling stared at her in surprise. Ruyi's dark eyes were wider than ever and her nostrils were flared and fists curled up. Every part of her vibrated with cold, vengeful, fury.

Well well... he thought. So much for "I love yous" and sweet farewells... a fox is a fox after all.

The look in Ruyi's eyes took him back... back to a time long ago when the Fox King's steps could be heard thundering through the court. He had stood proudly by the Elder Emperor's side and the Elder Emperor had trusted and relied upon him, loved him even, not sharing the fears the others had about their race, and had raised their realm into one of the Nine Heavenly Realms. The Fox King had a look like that... a ferocious, unforgiving gaze. You are truly their descendant, little fox.

But those times were past and would never come again. Rongling sighed, "It is time. Let us go."

Ting'er wailed, still kneeling on the ground.

Ruyi turned around, facing the golden moving rings. She closed her eyes. What will happen if one dies with so much regret? What will I be in my next life? A demon perhaps?

But it was too late to change anything. She took a step forward and felt herself falling.

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