The First day

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(Baekhyuns pov)
*Alarm goes off*
Ah great! Oh i cant wait to meet the members!
Im so glad Sehun and Luhan are there, they can guide me.

(3rd person pov)
Baekhyun gets ready and makes his way to SM he see a poster posted on the wall showing the people and positions of Exo. (sequels mentally) Yess I'm main vocalist! He sees the room number of where to go meet the members of Exo, on his way to the room he sees Sehun walking, he decides to go run to him
"Oh gosh Baek you scared me"
"Oh Sehun I'm scared"
"Why theres nothing to be scared of Baekie"
"Im just scared that the members are not going to like me"
Sehun stopped walking and put his hands on Baekhyuns shoulders and said
"Baekhyun...there is no need to worry everybody will love you, and as your best friend im going to tell to not worry at all and if somethig happends then you tell me. Ok?"
"Ok and Sehun..."
"Yes Baek?"
"Im so glad that your my best friend!"
"I am too Baek."
Baekhyun hugged Sehun tight. As they were walking they talked about how excited they were about meeting the members. They finally reached the room
"Alright Baek were here ready?"
" Yeah I guess so."
They both walked in and saw all the members.
"Oh wow i didnt know there was going to be 12 members"
"Wow me either"
(Baekhyuns pov)
When i walked in i saw all 11 members...I didnt know there was going to be this much I probably should have read the paper posted on the wall... oh well
I spotted Lulu near a  group of people i went to go talk to him.
"Hey Lulu"
"Baekhyun! Oh my gosh i missed you so much"
"Ah me too Lulu"
"Anyway let me introduce to the members"
"This is Chen, Tao, Kris, Suho, Kai, Chanyeol-"
"Haha wait your going to fast"
"Hehe sorry"
He brought me to a few steps right to see the rest of the members but when i saw this person i melted.
"Ok so this is Chanyeol"
When Luhan said Chanyeol, this handsome figure turned around with soft brown hair with dark deep brown eyes.
"Um Baekhyun..? Are you ok?"
I stood there with burning red cheecks ugh what is this feeling? His smile was so kind and heart melting. 
"Uh yeah im good you can keep going"
"Ok so this is D.O, Lay, and Xiumin."
"Ah nice to meet you guys :)"
As a few hours went by i talked to all the members and made friends with them except one...Chanyeol. Im trying my best to avoid im and im doing good so far but i hope nothing bad happends.

                       *Time for Lunch!*

(3rd person pov)
The Manager walked in and announced to Exo.
"Ok the dorms are set you guys and arange whos together in one room and then settle in after lunch ok?"
"Yes sir"
Baekhyun made good friends today at the meet so hes going to ask Xiumin if he wants to go for lunch.
"Yes? Oh hey"
"Do you wanna go out for lunch?"
"Yeah i was actually going to ask you :)"
Baekhyun and Xiumin went to a place to get a simple salad
"So Baekhyun what happend today at the meet?"
"Uh w-what do you mean?"
"You know when you got red"
"It only happened when Luhan mentioned Chanyeol is there something wrong?"
"No everything is fine its just t-that um"
"Do you perhaps you know-um are interested in him?"
"What!? I mean...i dont know its ugh i dont know i just got red maybe for no reason"
"Maybe...but it could also mean you like Chanyeolie ;)"
"Yah! I dont know but...what if i am?"
(Baekhyuns pov)
C'mon Baekhyun pull it together you were probably i need to get him out my head.
Xiumin and i both went back to the dorms when we got there they had already asigned rooms and settled in. Great now im probably not with Luhan or Sehun.
"Finally you guys are back. So we already asigned the rooms Xiumin you will be with Chen and Baekhyun you will be with-
Oh gosh dont tell me its...
Chanyeol already moved in aparently eh it shouldnt be that hard to get along with him they say hes nice and sweet~:). I knocked at the door with a my luggage.
When Chanyeol opened the door i saw the same man i saw at the meet. Tall, big smile, warm looking, handsome, and fluffy hair. Wow such a dream...
"Oh hi um are you Chanyeol?"
"Yup :) this is our dorm"
"It look really nice i like your sense of fashion"
"Thanks anyway um our room-"
"Wait our?"
"Yeah i was shocked too i didnt know we had to share a room but we have seprerate beds"
Oh thank God i was going to ask to change rooms with someone. I unpacked my things and put my clothes in the closet.

"Oh jeez i didnt know he wears those big shirts..." Wow i wonder how they would look like on a short person...not like i wanna wear them or anything... Ah! Baekhyun stop thinking about him hes you cant like him hes probably with someone...someone that handsome must have someone already. Ugh im gonna go change.

AfterI changed I went to the living room to watch Tv and saw Chanyeol sitting on the couch...Great umm so do i just go sit next to him or do i just- ugh what should i do?? Ok im just gonna go walk over there and just sit on the couch grab the remote and just watch something.. Ok,ok ready 1..2..3 i started walking and sat on the couch i reached out for the remote but it wasnt there. Where is it??

(Chanyeols pov)
Oh gosh i feel nervous..I cleard my voice before i opened the door...
"Oh hi um are you Chanyeol?"
"Yup :) this is our dorm"
"It look really nice i like your sense of fashion"
"Thanks anyway um our room-"
"Wait our?"
"Yeah i was shocked too i didnt know we had to share a room but we have seprerate beds"
I went to go sit on the couch and read a book. Until he came out...

The spark...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang