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***(The next day)***

Chanyeol and Baekhyun didnt wake up and werent going too. But they had an Interview with a radio in an hour. Suho came to there dorm opened the door and started screaming


Baekhyun woke up too the sound of Suhos voice and panicked he shook Chanyeol up

"Chanyeol,Chanyeol wake up! Suho's mad!"


"Get up Suho's looking for us"

"Why so early?"

"We have an Interview in an hour and we need to get ready"

"Oh gosh i forgot about that"

Suho came out the room and glared at them

"If you dont get dressed in five minutes...bless your pretty faces."

Chanyeol and Beakhyun love hearing Suho mad

"Keke :)"

(Chanyeols pov)

I got up and got ready I made sure I looked presentable. Baekhyun and i got in suits and headed towards the radio station. Once we got there we sat infront of mic's and we put headphones on. The lady started asking questions none of the members minded them until she asked this very weird question.

"Chanyeol what do you think love is?"

"...Many people think um Love is only between a man and women but i think it could be much more..."

When i said this it was automatic for me to turn and look at Baekhyun hoping he was looking back, but he was busy laughing with Sehun. The struggles of a one-sided love realationship.

(3rd person pov)

Little did Chanyeol know that this wasnt just one-sided love it was more...way more. They both wanted each other wasnt just a light crush it was more than they both expected. The more time they were with each other the more the electricty grew.

Chanyeol couldnt help but feel sad when he didnt catch Baekhyun looking at him at that moment. The lady asked Chanyeol another question

"Whats your ideal type?"

Quickly Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. Hesitantly he said,

"I-I dont know..."

"Oh really but you must have one?"

"I think i havent gotten to that part of my life yet"

"Ah ok"

Baekhyun looked away with a big sigh. Chanyeol couldnt help but feel a little relieved for not sharing his ideal type. The interview ended 30 minutes after that. Exo went back to there dorm and rested for the rest of the day but Chanyeol wanted to talk too Baekhyun,

"Hey Baek, can i talk to you?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"You know that were going to be living together for years now"


"So you might as well get to know me"

"Hmm what do you mean?"

"Im saying i want to get to know you, I really do"

"I do too Yeol so...Im here ask me anything you want"

With a small smirk on Chanyeols face he asked Baekhyun

"Do you like living here?"


Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with an innocent and confused look.

"Like do you like being here?"

"I mean yeah"

The two went on all day asking eachother questions. Its funny how these two love eachother but cant admit it. Its skinny love. Chanyeol asked Baekhyun a question he couldnt really answer.



"Do you like me?"

"...Uh Chanyeol?" Baekhyuns voice cracks

"No not like that (chuckles)"

"Oh...yeah i do like you...why?"

"Im just curious?"

Chanyeol shruggs it off once he hears Baekhyuns response.
Baekhyun leaves the room teary eyed and goes into Sehun and Luhans room.


"Omg Baekhyun are you ok?"




"Baekhyuns crying"

Sehun comes running out of the bathroom without a shirt on and goes to talk to Baekhyun

"Whats wrong Baek?"

"I-I dont know i..."

"Is it Chanyeol"


"What did he do?"


"Then what happend?"

" him"

"Omg Baek" Sehun said in a suprised voice

"I know, i know i shouldnt like one of our band members put i just cant help it."

"We have something to tell you" Luhan says

"What is it?"

"Luhan and i are dating..." Sehun finally blurts out"

"Oh my- you guys really?"


"Wow how?"

"Well i fell for Luhan and we were at lunch and i just said it... it wasnt worthing not knowing if he didnt like me or not."

At that moment he thought what happens if he tells Chanyeol he liked him? Would he freak out? Would he still stay in the same dorm? Baekhyun didnt want to wait to tell him but he also didnt want to ge hurt. He thought very hard about his decision. Was it worth telling him only a week of knowing him???

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