Staying up

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(Chanyeols pov)

"Why were the members and you following us?"...

"Well um this might be hard to believe but...last night you and Baekhyun were making a lot of noise and laughing so we thought you guys had intrest in eachother and we thought to wake up early and check on yall this morning and Luhan saw you two dressed up together and ready to go somewhere."

"Oh i see..."

"Were really sorry Chanyeol..."

"(Chuckles) Um let me tell you what happend this morning...


"So this morning Baekhyun woke up before me and he begged me to go somewhere today and i couldnt say no to him so-"

"Wait why couldnt you say no?"

"B-because... you know what its not important. So we first went to get some breakfast then we went to a park to get some fresh air and just sit down and enjoy the cold morning."

"Why do you say it like that?"

"I dont know"


"Ah Sehun im going to sleep, you ask to many questions"

"Ok :) Goodnight hyung "

I wanted to go to sleep but i had a lot on my mind so i decided to grab my headphones and a walk out. I went outside and put my headphones on and played Taeyangs Eyes,Nose,Lips song (You should go listen to the song its soo good :)!). As i walked i couldnt help but think of Baekhyun...his smile and laugh. But i tried to figure out why the members think of me and Baekhyun as a couple...I mean as much as i want to be with him i dont think it will ever happen. But i have to remember that he is one of our members so i cant...

With thinking about all that i didnt notice that i was far from our dorm. So i turned around and headed back but everything fliped when I started to hear thunder. Ugh great its going to rain I tried to run but it was useless it had already started to pour. I finally got back to our dorm my vision was blurry i was socked from head to toe. I hoped Baekhyun was asleep so he wouldnt see me like this but i was wrong when i walked in he had a confused face.

(Baekhyun pov)

It was late and Chanyeol still wasnt back from Sehun's room so i decided to go to sleep until....

(Door opens)

I look at him confused

"What happened?"

"I went for a walk and got caught in the rain"

I took a short stare at him and started laughing at him

"Yah! Dont laugh get me a towel!"

"(Laughs) Here...Ah why are you wet?"

"I went out for a walk"


"I'll tell you after I take a shower"


I waited till' he finished so i could ask him why the hell would he go out at 11:00 o'clock at night?I went to the room to put my phone to charge....but he decides to come out when im in the room, i was talking to him with my back faced towards him

"Ok so can you tell me now?"

Until i turned around...




"OH sorry"

"Chanyeol you know (chuckles) sometimes your so clueless :)"

"Hehe you two :)"

I dont know why but everytime its just me and Chanyeol we always have that moment where everything feels electric and i feel a spark when we both laugh...Im trying to figure out what that feeling at the pit of my stomach when i see him. 

We both went to the living room so we could talk about what happend tonight. We put the thought aside that it was now 12:00 p.m at night.

"So what happened?"

"I asked Sehun why the members and him were following us and he told me the story and-"

"What story?"

"Are you sure you want to hear the whole thing?"

"Yeah its already the next day so why not?"

"Ok so they said they heard us last night laughing and making a lotof noise so they got the wrong idea and thought we were into eachother and they decided to check up on us this morning and Luhan saw us dressed up and ready to go somewhere together. So he told the Sehun and Sehun went to go tell the members and Suho got the idea to spy on us for the day. Then I told Sehun where we were and what happened this morning and he had so many questions so i told him i was sleepy. But i had alot on my mind so i decided to go take a walk before i went to bed. I ended up walking too far and it start raining so.

"Oh ok just next time you decide to go walking check the weather first (chuckles)"

"Yeah your right"

"Ok well im sleepy so im going to bed?"

"Aw already its so early"

"Chanyeol its the next day already"

"Exactly. Its early"

"Pft you play too much"

(3rd person pov)

They both went to bed very late and didnt plan to wake up any time soon.

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