"Consider it a date"

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(*Vivi is in this chapter :) )* (if you didnt know Vivi is Sehuns dog :) )
(Baekhyuns pov)
I woke up and felt very happy and jumpy since its Staurday I figured why not go out with Chanyeol??? I mean not like a date or anything.. but i want to be :(

"Lets go somewhere!"
"Ahh im tired"
"Come ooonnn (i jumped on his bed)"
"Ok ok where do you want to go?"

"Lets spend the day together. First well go out for breakfast then we will go to a park and walk around. What do you think about that?"
"Yeah i like that idea :)"
"Then get up so we can get ready"
"(Groans) Ahhh ok ok"
"Just consider it a date"

(Chanyeols pov)
WAIT did he just say what i think he said..."Consider it a date".... I mentally just died in my head. I quickly got up and went to go get ready i wore casual clothes. A nice shirt with tight jeans. When Baekhyun got out the restroom i felt like complete idiot for staring

"Are you ok?"
"Oh yeah sorry i-i was just"
"Um ok..come on :)"
"Alright let me just put my shoes on"

(Luhans pov)
The members and i heard such loud noise last night and screaming outside of Chanyeols and Baekhyuns dorm we were all curious and decided to check up on them this morning. But when we were just about to get out our dorms we saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol dressed up and ready to go somewhere... we were all giggly and smiling we all asumed that those to would end up dating hehe. As soon as i saw them I immediatly told Sehun

"What what what??"
"Rember when the members were talking about Baekhyun and Chanyeol possibly going out"
"Yeah why?"
"Well i think they are"
"Well yeah we all do"
"nO Sehun i think they actually are!"
"Wait really?"
"Yeah i just saw them come out there dorm together dressed up."
"Oh my gosh we need to tell the others"

(3rd person pov)
While Luhan and Sehun went to go tell the others, Baekhyun and Chanyeol enjoyed there meal and now at the park sitting down in a bench there was such nice breeze and clear blue sky

"Ahh Chanyeol isnt this such a nice day"
"Yup~ :)"
Baekhyun took a big breath in and out then closed his eyes. When Baekhyun did that he didnt realize Chanyeol was look at him.

(Chanyeols pov)
Wow...i couldnt help but stare. Hes so...perfect
When he taked a breath his little chest puffs up and goes back down slowly. I was staring too long that Baekhyun looked back at me and i quickly looked away

"Are you ok?"
"Uh yeah"

Ugh i need to work on that but i also cant help looking at somoeone that soft.

(Luhans pov )
"Ugh Luhan its Saturday why are you waking us up so early?"
"This is important remeberlast night when we were talking about Chanyeol and Beakhyun"
"Yeah why?"
"Well i they are going out"
"Oh my gosh really?"
"Yes for real this morning i walked out my dorm and i saw them both dressed up and toghther ready to go somewhere"
"Wow... WAIT-
"Yes hyung?"
"We should go and watch them from a far then well decide if then we'll decide if there really dating"
"So were basically going to spy on them..."
"I mean when you put it llike that its sounds wrong"
Then Sehun had to ruin everything beacuse he had to take Vivi
"But i have to take Vivi"
"Oh my gosh fine you can take Vivi"

(3rd person pov)
All the members went to go out in town to look for Chanyeol and Baekhyun they all know that Chanyeol likes to go out shopping so they first went to a store.. he was not there though...

"Sehun baekhyun likes to go to parks and sit down"
"Ooh we should go take a look"
They all went to go to the park and Sehun found them
"I found them!!"
"Look a little bit your left there sitting on the bench"
But everything went wrong when Sehun accidenltley droped Vivi and Vivi started running towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol.
"Oh no Sehun Vivi!"
"Oh no..."
"Sehun i told you it was a bad idea to bring Vivi"
They all quickly ran behind a tree before they got spoted.

(Baekhyuns pov)
Chanyeol and I were talking about our debut song and the concept of it. Until i saw Vivi dog running towards us

"Hey Chanyeol um isnt that Sehuns dog Vivi?"
"What- oh your right that is Vivi but what is he doing here?"
"I dont know but we need to take him back to the dorm befre he gets lost"

I picked up Vivi and we headed back to the dorm

"Why is Vivi with us?"
"I dont know probably Sehun went out and accidentaly left the door open. Hold on let me call him."

Chanyeol called Sehun to make sure he knew Vivi was with us.

(Chanyels pov)
"Sehun um Baekhyun and i were at the park and Vivi came running towards me just to let you know that we have him and were going back to the dorm."

"(In the backround Luhan: I told you not to let Vivi go! Xiumin: Oh great there headed towards the dorm... Kris: Now what?) Yah be quiet im on the phone!"

"Um Sehun are with the members and where are you?"

"Um were no where were just- Chen: CHANYEOL WERE AT THE PARK AND HE DROPED VIVI!.. Wow did you really have to say that"

"Oh we were just there im going to bring him to you. But why were you at the park?"
"Um... No reason"

Ugh i swear Sehun is so bad at lying

"Where you guys following us?"
"Umm- No... Suho: YES WE WERE IM SORRY JUST COME BACK IT SMELLS!...Can you guys stop cutting me off??"
"Ok Sehun were coming back"

Wow...ive never been in such a loud phone call... Anyway i have to tell Baekhyun so we can go back

"Baekhyun i just got off the phone and Sehun and the others were following us and apperantly Sehun brought Vivi and dropped him."
"Wow...(laughs) that a good story :)"
"(Chuckles) I guess anyway they want us to go back"

(Sehuns pov).
"Did you guys really have to talk over me while i was on the phone?"
"We had too or else if they got back at the dorm and didnt find us there they would have to call us and we would have to explain why ALL of us were gone"
"Ah true... ugh its getting late they need to hurry i need Vivi back"
"Ugh this would never have happened if you didnt take Vivi"

Just as i was about to say something Baekhyun and Chanyeol came back

"Oh finally your back"

I took Vivi out of Baekhyuns hands and we all had to apoligize for following them and causing them all this trouble

"Its ok just next time your going to do this dont take Vivi with you :)"

(Everbody starts laughing)

"Anyway we should probably head back its 10:00 o'clock"

(3rd person pov)
Everybody got back to the dorm and headed back ot there rooms to go to sleep. But only rwo were still up... Chanyeol and Sehun they were tallking about what happened today and how it happened
"Why were the members and you follwing us?".....

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