I Thought That Was the End

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How did he get my snap chat username. I never expected the day that Justin had any type of social media with me. I was really tempted to just ignore it but then I realize that life makes you take risks and that you can't always put them aside. So my risk was seeing what Justin had to say.

Justin: Guess that I am out of the picture!!!

Me: Depends if you wanna be.

Justin: well that kiss sure made it obvious :(

Me: Well maybe if you actually gave me time to tell you an answer maybe he would of not done that.

Justin: I did give you time.

Me: No you didn't and if you did maybe you would of not gotten a new girlfriend. 

Justin: Next time you better have a quicker answer.

Me: I don't know what makes me more mad if its your way of us noting giving enough time or the fact that you tried ruining my friendship with Callie!!!

Justin: how did you figure that one out. Besides you deserved.

Me: Someone told me and What game are you playing with me?
Cause if you gonna act that way then count me out of your game.
Justin: no game and what do you mean???

Me: that if your going to try ruinning my friendships with people then let me save you the trouble and just not be friends with you.

Justin: But I am part of your lame group.

Me: well your only in the group cause your Dylan's best friend. If it weren't for that then you would of never been included.

Justin: Go tell the others that I am leaving the group.

Me: I don't think so if your leaving the group then you should go tell them not me I am not your personal secretary!!!

Justin: fine but don't expect being there for you ever again!!!


Who does he think he is. I mean first he asks my best friend out and rejects him. Then, he does the same thing to me not only asks me but also kissed me and by the very next day asks out another girl. Also not mention how he tried ruining my best friends and I friendship. If I am going to be the good friend then I gotya tell the other that Justin is just bad news. Its a huge hurricane waiting to happen. On the following day in my first hour I went up to Dylan and Callie explained to them what happened and all a sudden Callie respond. She said "sorry that I thought that you were saying stuff behind my back. I should know better from my best friend that you wouldn't do that to me" I told her witha huge smile"glad that you saw that I wouldn't ever try to hurt you ever in that way." Dylan then came up and said "well actually I told her that justin tole me that." I then told him"wow I actually thought you were in on this stupid mess um...thanks should of never doubted you Dylan!" Everything seemed okay at the moment but WHOOSH our hurricane came in. Justin trying to look mad and ashamed. He went up to all of us looked at everyone but me and said"guys I am leaving the group there is too much drama going on!" Well that was the worst ending I ever heard from him. And it only took me 5 seconds to make his to go speech. Guess we weren't that important to him. Just as that day ended everything felt so werid and awkward.  I mean lunch seem depressing without that weird jokes or the annoying Justin with us. But seeing Dylan's upset look made me feel guilty. I tried to make ,myself feel better by thinking that we don't need Justin to make us feel better and that this was the right thing to do....But sometimes we have suck things up for others happiness. I mean I took his best friend away from him. How would I not feel bad. But after that I didn't talk to him and thought maybe tomorrow will be better for him. The next following day I came to school to see and hear Justin's  apology and so that at the end he'll be back with us again. Just like a boomerang he went right back to us. I thought this was the end of me and him and us with him but it was only the beginning of his never ending war

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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