Chapter Seventeen

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She was going back to her home for the weekend and she couldn't have been more excited. After a tiring week at university, a hard worker like her did need some time to relax.

She grabbed her hijab and starting wrapping it loosely around her head when she noticed Amira lying on the ground, her eyes on the ceiling. She could tell she was in deep thought.

"Aren't you going home today?" Marina questioned as she inserted the last of her pins and looked at her through the mirror.



"My parents are in America and there's nobody in the house", her gaze didn't waver from the ceiling, "and they're paranoid of me being alone." She rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you come over then?" Marina turned around and looked at her body sprawled on the floor.

"I don't wanna be a bother.." Her cheeks suddenly turned a shade closer to pink.

"Bother my ass." She went to her cupboard and grabbed the first things she saw and chucked it in her direction, the clothes landing straight on her face.

"I will always bother your ass." Amira winked before going to the bathroom to get changed, leaving behind a Marina who was shaking her head.

Oh how she wished Allah had given her best friend some common sense.


They both sat in the car for about an hour, Marina's hands on the steering wheel and Amira's hands on her phone. They were about to arrive in ten minutes.

"Who were you with the other day after school?" Amira broke the silence, her thumb still swiping on the phone's screen.

She knew which day she was referring to. She was talking about the first day she tutored Shahroz. She decided she'd tell her straight without beating around the bush, might as well get over with the teasing in the beginning.

"Uhh.." She took a turn and then continued, "Shahroz.." She gave her full attention to the road, her grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"The guy you sit with in Genetics?" She voiced, her finger pressed the off button on her phone and she looked up at Marina who nodded her head.

"I can totally tell there's something going on between you both." She smirked and Marina facepalmed and dragged her hand down her face.

"I can assure you Amira", she looked at her best friend who was grinning like an idiot, " there's nothing going on between us. It's just a friendly bond that we have." She shrugged.

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