Chapter Twenty-five

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Please don't kill me after this chapter..



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Thirteen years ago...

Ten-year-old Marina was ecstatic to celebrate her tenth birthday with her family. She had been a pain in the ass to her parents the past month.

'Abba, will we go and celebrate my birthday?'

'Where will we exactly go?'

'Ammi, you know there are only five days left for my birthday. Only five.'

Saad had expertly ignored all her reminders everyday of how many days were left for her special day. His fifteen-year-old self had more important things to do, as he told her.

Right now the Malik family were in the car, Saad leaning on the window and snoring while her father drove to the nearest Pizza Hut for celebrating his little girl's happy day.

His smile never wore off his face throughout the whole ride. He was blessed to have such a beautiful family, and he thanked Allah everyday for that and much more.

"Marina?" Her mother's groggy voice spoke up, capturing her daughter's attention.

"Yes, ammi?" She looked up at her mother who looked tired as hell. Her mother had been exhausted for the past few weeks.

"Can you please hold Mahira for a while? My back is aching right now." Her mother said and Marina's ears perked up.

"Really?!" She voiced too loudly and her mother shushed her.

"Don't wake her up, she's finally sleeping anyways." Her mother whispered and she nodded.

She handed her to Marina and layed back and stretched her legs, relieving the pain. After all, giving birth wasn't an easy job for a woman.

Marina took the little bundle of joy in her arms, her left hand under the baby's neck and her right hand around her tiny waist.

She finally got to look at her baby sister closely. She realised she had features similar to both herself and Saad. Mahira had dark long eyelashes just like her big sister, and her hair was the same shade of brown as Saad's.

She stirred in her hands and Marina panicked. She knew she would get scolded for waking her sister up from her peaceful sleep.

And then her eyes suddenly opened and her baby sister smiled, her tiny fingers going straight in her mouth.

Marina knew she slept well as she didn't wake up and start screaming like in the past three weeks.

She gently pulled her hand out of her mouth and wiped the saliva on a tissue she grabbed from the car's door pocket.

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