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″Sierra called.″

Declan halted. His shoulders betrayed him, the icy prickle of being drenched crippling his already slumped stature. In fifteen years, Hayden had never seen him this miserable.

″Uh ...″ His tone trickled guilt.

″It′s true?″ Hayden hated the tough love thing, but Declan′s behaviour needed rectification. ″You cheated?″

He looked hollow, eyes rimmed by lines like shallow cuts. He sniffled as they strolled onto the bridge at Teardrop Park, undoubtedly having caught the flu. ″I was drunk,″ he admitted, tears brimming in his tired lids. Instantly, Hayden regretted asking.

″Did you love her?″ Hayden bit his lip, silent tone edged in ice like a sharpened knife. Declan′s sobs, soft yet audible over the lashing river flowing beneath the bridge, echoed like the cries of a cornered animal. Hayden met his eyes; scared, shattered irises.

Behold, the cost of words. It′s impossible to know the depth of their cuts until you′re watching someone bleed. ″I′m sorry.″ Hayden averted his gaze, eyes stinging, settling his glare on the fallen leaves and broken branches in the tide below; swept away by the current. ″I didn′t mean to —″

″Shut up.″

Hayden choked on a sob. ″I deserve that.″

″No, listen.″ Declan leant over the cobblestone bridge, features contorted in concentration. Hayden′s mouth fell open, perplexed, ears trained on nothing except the dying drizzle and Declan′s bated breath. ″God, I hope I′m delusional.″

He offered no further explanation, bolting across the bridge and stumbling down a muddy slope. Ironic, that he nearly refused a stroll in the rain, but would voluntarily dive into a river. Hayden hurtled after him, sliding down the unstable soil of the riverbank.

Driven by adrenaline and instinct, Declan clung to the cracked underside of the bridge, edging his way across the slippery earth. ″Hey, wait up!″ Hayden cussed, tripping over a fallen branch. Before Declan could reply, a muffled cry rose from below the bridge.

Hayden locked eyes with him, pinching himself as they clambered along the banks. Heaven forbid it wasn′t all a dream. ″Here!″ Declan cried, scouring the earth desperately. His calloused hands sifted through the dirt, nails caked in soil.

Hayden fell to his knees beside him, heaving aside mounds of mud to unearth a weathered cardboard box. Declan swallowed; Hayden could see the pulse of his Adam′s apple as it drummed against his throat. Given their proximity, the soft sobs and innocent cries were unmistakable.

Soiled, trembling fingers laced together on impulse as they each took hold of a flap. Hayden couldn′t fathom the idea that someone had done this, much less intentionally. His only comfort came from the warmth in Declan′s clammy palm.

Their gazes drifted apart to settle on the contents of the box, hands lifting the battered flaps to reveal a bundle of blankets. Hayden′s stomach twisted, body paralysed by shock as they witnessed a small form shift beneath the rags. Miraculously, a tiny hand reached out from the dark, compact space.

Hayden watched in disbelief as the baby′s fist curled around Declan′s pinkie, the latter in tears as he scooped the child up in his strong, protective arms. Hayden felt the knot in his stomach unfurl ever so slightly. Somehow, he knew that no harm could ever befall the child in Declan′s embrace. Alas, he couldn′t have been more wrong.

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