Changin (Chan x Jeongin)

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 This might be a bit angsty? I don't know if you find it angsty though...


channiehyung logged in

meismaknae logged in

channiehyung locked the chat.

channiehyung: Jeongin, we need to talk.

meismaknae: Hey, why did you lock the chat?!

channiehyung: Because we have to talk. Anyway, that isn't the point here.

channiehyung: Why have you been avoiding me?

meismaknae: ...I...can't tell you, hyung, I really can't...

channiehyung: Jeongin, please. You know I can't stand this kind of things.

meismaknae: Chan hyung...please don't force me...I...I'm scared...

channiehyung: Please, Jeongin. Please. You know I don't act like this if I don't have to.

meismaknae: But I'm scared... what if you leave me? Like almost everyone else in my life?

channiehyung: Jeongin, I will never leave you, okay?

channiehyung: Because I love you  [NOT SENT]

meismaknae: Promise? 

channiehyung: Yes, I promise you, my maknae.

meismaknae: Well...I...

meismaknae: Could you come over to my room? Seungmin hyung and Hyunjin hyung are out...

channiehyung: Okay, wait for me.

Chan shut his phone with a sigh. He walked over to Jeongin's room and went in. He saw the youngest trembling, cheeks flushed slightly, eyes sparkling with tears threatening to fall. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chan gently said, going to the maknae and softly wrapping his arms around him.

"I...Promise me you won't leave me first."

"Jeongin, I promise you. No matter how serious this situation is, I will always be with you. I can't leave you. I won't leave you."

The youngest breathed in deeply, then out.

" I... think...I'm with you, Chan hyung..." Chan could tell Jeongin was so close to crying, his voice was trembling, the tears in his eyes more visible.

Chan was really surprised. He didn't expect his crush to like him back too.

"I'm so sorry, Chan hyung, I know you already like Woojin hyung..." As Jeongin looked down, a single tear fell from his left eye, trickling down his pale face.

"Why are you so scared to tell someone who likes you back that you like him?" Chan smiled, wrapping his arms tighter around the maknae. Jeongin looked up.

"Because I got rejected so many times. All of them left me. Now I'm so scared the same will happen to us. You are one of the hyungs I'm the closest to, and I can't lose you." Jeongin mumbled, loud enough for Chan to hear, smiling.

"Jeongin, I'm  in love with you too. I would never leave you because I love you so much, my dearest maknae. You are one of the best things that ever happened to me," Chan whispered softly, joining their lips and a sweet and soft kiss.


How did you find this? Was it angsty or nah? Drop a comment and tell me! I love all of you readers a lot.

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