7: Nakano Kyogo

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"HEY HIKARI! OVER HERE!" A boy scream at me."Wait... huhuh.... Kyogo.... huhAH!" Yes. The boy is Nakano Kyogo. We're playing at the park with some other friend in Kyoto."Ok ok. You can take a break Hikari-chan,"

We're around.... hm... grade 3/? I think. Me and Kyogo just playing around the park. Alot of our friend just left. And few still there. Me and Kyogo sit under the tree. We're tired. After running around the park to play chase."Here a drink Hikari," Kyogo lead me his drink."Thanks. Hey Kyogo,"


"Hm.... nothing,"

"Ah come on..... hm.... Hikari?"

"What's up?"

"Do you like some one?"

"Hm.... donno,"



"Well.... if I do this will you mad?"

Im still confused what does he mean by 'this'. I look at him. He look at me. We face each other."What do you want to do?"



"Gomen Hikari-chan. Bai!"

Wow..... it's my first kiss with some one. Well expect my family :v

From that time, I fall in love with Kyogo. Even my face is beautyfull, Im popular, Smart, I like Kyogo just the way he is. Even thought he is quiet, he still have a heart. He so kind and smart, well that's what teen do :v

*Flashback end*

By B l a i s h e

Monday, July 16 2018

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