11: Coma

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The information is not yet been realive. I feel stress out and can't control myselft. I feel so stressed out."Hello sir? Who are you to miss Hikari?" The nurse came out of know where."Im.... ehm.... her boyfriend?" I know it was a lie but I really want to date her. I hope she'll be ok.

"Oh her boyfriend. You can sleep with her this night. I know your tired,"

"Oh thanks. But what happened to her?"

"She is in a coma. I don't know how long but she had that coma,"

What? A coma? How long? Im sorry Hikari. Im sorry that I have to make you in to this."Ok. Where's her room?" I ask the nurse if she know."Yes. At room 53 to the right," with out any word I rust to the room. I arrived at the room. I open and found Hikari's body in the bed.
"KYOGO! Baka..."

"Sorry princeses hehe. Wow this is a beautyfull sky,"

"Of course it is."

"But you know who is more beautyfull?"


"You. Your more beautyfull,"

"Thanks," it was me and Hikari at the age 5 years old. We didn't really understand love at that age. We in loved with each other. I think/?.
"Hey Kyogo-kun!!"  With that smile who makes me happy everyday."Hey Hikari-chan!"

"I have a great news!!"

"What is it?"

"Well I had a crush on some one,"

"Who is it?"

"Secret... hehe,"

"Ah come on. I have to know,"

"Well he is a human,"

"That is an idiot answer 😒"

"Well Im not going to say it hehe..."

"Fine. The bell is ringing," that in our nasional test. In grade 6. I really don't know until the text....
Ryuto: You like Kyogo do you?

Hikari: Who say?

Ryuto: You look at him in an dreamy way

Hikari: ▪///▪

Ryuto: I was right. You like that Kyogo guy do you?

Hikari: Well yes -///-


That's make me happy. Well I text it quietly so no one saw it. You look at me that I was look at my friend but the real one that Im faking the look and secretly saw the screen at the time. And some time I saw Hikari who look at me and make a joke. Well I just laught at it.

Why this time.... you have to get in the coma? Why does it has to be you? And how long? Can you just 3 day or 4 day. Or you can just wake up. Im afraid that you'll dead. I can't open my heart to any one. I only can open it for you. The only Hikari that I know.


Im afraid




By B l a i s h e

Tuesday, July 24 2018

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