The Dairy Aisle

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The shelves on the walls of each aisle in the store seemed boring as usual. Emerson walked along and, being the youngest, was being a little bit of a whiner, even though Remington was the one to usually throw tantrums, especially ones about the television being broken again. 

Sebastian pulled the two man-children around the store, grabbing everything they needed before they went on tour. Sighing, he made it to the dairy aisle, grabbing a milk jug and setting it in the cart. That's when Emerson saw it.

On a shelf in the aisle was a half-gallon of TruMoo milk (chocolate, to be exact). A small gasp escaping his lips, Emerson pressed his body against the glass and cooed in amazement. "Sebastian..." he called out as he stared at the milk.

Sebastian turned around and frowned a little, walking over to Emerson, and leaving Remington with the shopping cart. "What is it now, Eme-"

"-Can I get this?" Emerson cut off, his breath showing against the shelf. He smiled wide as he heard a long sigh, followed by Seb's faint response, "Fine..."

Emerson smiled wide as he grabbed the half-gallon, giggling a little bit as he carried the milk back to the shopping cart, actually skipping a little bit. He smiled as he hugged the milk a little, loving its cold temperature. "Mine!"

Remington watched the male, smiling a bit in amusement. "Emerson, could I have some?" he asked teasingly, kind of already knowing what Emerson's reaction was going to be.

Emerson narrowed his eyes as he looked at Remington, his facial expression already declining the request. "NO!"

"Now, now, Mesy." Sebastian chuckled as he walked back over to the shopping cart, setting a bag of different cheeses inside of the cart. "Let's go pay for everything now." He pulled the two to a self-checkout and the three split the check with dollar bills, Emerson grabbing his milk directly after Remington scanned it instead of letting him put it in a bag.

Sebastian pushed the cart away as the three each grabbed a few bags, carrying them to Sebastian's vehicle. Emerson still carried his milk, sitting in the back of the car alone with it. Remington laughed a little bit when he buckled himself into the passenger seat and looked back at him, seeing Emerson holding it close. Sebastian began to drive the car as he talked to Remington, leaving Emerson alone with the half-gallon of milk.

Emerson felt a special connection with the milk. That was the beginning of a long story.

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