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Emerson was cuddling with a jug of chocolate milk when Remington entered the trailer again. "Emerson, I have a present!"

Emerson immediately sat up, looking over at Remington. "What is it?" he asked with a lit up face.

Remington thrust a bottle of strawberry milk toward his brother. "Some milk!"

Emerson saw the pink colour of the milk and immediately scoffed. "No, it's not chocolate."

Sebastian sighed. "I have an idea." He went over to Emerson, grabbed the milk from him and chugging it down. "No more milk for you."

Emerson looked up to the eldest brother sadly. "No! You can't take that away from me!"

Remington chuckled, crossing his arms. "Yes, he can. No more milk!" He ran into the small kitchen, opened the refrigerator and grabbed the milk Emerson was hoarding, chugging it down and laughing a little as he watched his younger brother throw a fit.

"No! No! No! No!" Emerson shouted, running into the kitchen once Remington started to drink the milk and tried to get the milk away.

Sebastian began to feel a little guilty, sighing more. "I feel bad, but it's unhealthy how much you love and drink it."

Emerson pouted, plopping on his small bunk and frowning wide. "I don't wanna stop drinking it! It's my soulmate!"

Remington burst into laughter. "Your soulmate? Ha..."

Sebastian was still serious, sitting down and hugging his youngest brother. "I know you love TruMoo, but you can't drink it so much. It's gonna hurt your insides."

Emerson looked at his eldest brother with teary eyes. "B-But I love it so much... I-I can't st-stop..." he sputtered out, trying not to cry.

"It's alright." Sebastian took off Emerson's hat kissed the top of his head, holding him close as Emerson broke into tears. "It's okay, little one. Don't worry. I... I'll get you more milk, as long as you promise to not be so obsessed with it."

Emerson immediately stopped crying, smiling weakly. "Okay, I promise."

"Good." Sebastian smiled, looking around. "Hey... where's Remington?"

Remington was in the back of the trailer, licking out every last bit of Nutella in a container. "They'll never find out..." he whispered to himself as he grabbed another container and began to eat the chocolate. "They'll never find out!"

x TRUMOO || Emerson Barrett (Just For Fun) 🗸Where stories live. Discover now