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Sebastian walked into the small living room of the trailer again to see Emerson hugging tightly on another bottle of - you guessed it - chocolate TruMoo. "What the gin, Em?! I thought you said you were gonna work on this!"

Emerson looked up at Seb and narrowed his eyes. "Oh, yeah, whatever. Screw that." He took off the cap of the bottle and began to drink some of the liquid with a light pink on his cheeks and a smile on his face. He wasn't aware that Seb was gonna become the new Momma Royale at that point, which was a bad thought to not consider.

Sebastian grabbed the bottle violently and narrowed his eyes straight back at Em. "Emerson Barrett Kropp! No more TruMoo until you realise you can live without creepily... cuddling with it...!" he scolded in a hesitated shout, stomping off with the uncapped bottle.

Emerson whimpered softly, looking down at the cap. He licked the bit of chocolate milk from the ridges of the cap and then looked at it once it was swept clean, beginning to cry softly as he brought his knees to his chest. "M-My one and only true love! Sebby t-took it... n-now I'm alone..." He pulled out his phone and opened up his music app, beginning to play 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance.

The very first piano note of the depression-inducing intro, G5, sent Remington dashing into the room with Nutella on his lips. "Oh, god, why?!" he cried out, falling to his knees. "WHEN I WAS, A YOUNG BOY, MY FATHER-"

Emerson just sobbed over his older brother's passionate screaming, continuing to mourn over the 'loss' of his 'true love'. He couldn't believe Sebastian would do such a thing to him, especially after they teamed up to kill Ronald and Henry Leith.

From the small bunk section of the trailer, Sebastian quickly hid the TruMoo in a mini-refrigerator and placed a lock on the door. He locked it with a key and covered the key with a scarf in his bunk.

These deceitful acts only caused Daniel and Samuel to look over and question the entire thing. Daniel was first to ask, pushing his bunk's curtain out of the way and sitting up, letting his legs dangle from above. "Seb, what are you doing?"

Sebastian shook his head as he sat down on his bunk and looked up at Daniel with a grumpy-looking face. "Nothing, Deenyul. Go back to sleep."

Samuel looked over and shoved his curtain out of the way as well, looking out and at Seb. "C'mon, Seb, what's going on now? Is it Rem with Nutella again?"

Sebastian shook his head again. "No, no. It's Emerson with chocolate milk. He's obsessed. He needs to learn that life is more than just chocolate powder mixed with dairy."

Samuel scoffed. "And YOU need to learn that life is more than just juniper mixed with cucumber," he asserted as he grabbed a bottle from Sebastian's stash of Hendrick's gin. "I'm taking all of your gin until you learn, too."

Sebastian gasped. "You WOULDN'T!"

Daniel began to encourage Samuel to throw the bottles out of the moving trailer by chanting. "Do it, do it, do it..."

"SHUT UP, DANIEL!" Sebastian shouted.


Samuel shook his head and opened a trailer window, tossing the bottle out of the window. "Bye, bye, Scotland!"

Sebastian growled. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"

Daniel laughed and lay back down on his bunk, closing the curtain and falling asleep again.

Samuel took another bottle and chucked it out with a smirk on his face. He grabbed another and looked at Seb. "Now, I won't do it IF you allow Emerson to get his TruMoo milk back."

Sebastian thought about it. Each bottle of Hendrick's was thirty-five American dollars, meaning seventy dollars of it was just wasted. Seb sighed. "Alright, fine. Please don't throw that one out too."

Samuel didn't listen, launching the bottle in his hand out as well. He closed the window and laughed. "Alright, that was the last one. Now, go give Em his TruMoo back."

Sebastian shook his head and growled, taking the key and unlocking the refrigerator. He took the bottle of milk out and closed the fridge door, walking back over to the sobbing Em. "Listen, Em, I'm sorry. Please..." he handed the vial back to his littlest brother, "forgive me?"

Emerson sniffled and took the bottle back, nodding. "O-Okay, Seb..." he replied, hugging on the milk as he screwed the cap back on so he wouldn't waste any.

"Good boy." Sebastian hugged his brother with a smile, pulling away after a moment. He looked over at Remington, who was still screaming lyrics to the My Chem song. Sebastian laughed. "Wow, you really are joining the Black Parade, aren't you?"

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