Part 2

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Outskirts of Brooklyn, NY.

5:00 AM.


"Wait a second." Racetrack interjected.

Davey turned around. "What is it?"

"Why didn't we invite Spot?"

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't think of it. I sorta thought this could be a special newsies-of-Lower-Manhattan kind of thing. Did you want to bring him?"

"Well, yeah. Would I have asked if I didn't?" He pressed his forehead to the window. "Oh look. There's his house now. How d'you think he'd react if I just walked in there right now and asked him?" He turned to face Davey. "Could I ask him?"

"Sure. I don't have anything against him. He can come along if he wants."

"Really? 'Cause either I'm going crazy here, or you just drove past it!" He made a wild grab for the steering wheel.

"There's no need for that. I'll go back if it really means that much to you," Davey sighed. He had been down this road before. Why couldn't Race have fallen for some normal guy?

Newsies Road Trip AU (nope, no creative title)Where stories live. Discover now