Wow, Something Actually

145 8 4

Section 3: UNDERWAY


Somewhere in the Midwest

10:00 PM

Day 3


Suddenly, without much explanation, the neatly-paved highways faded into side streets, which faded into dirt roads through seemingly endless cornfields. Davey was rapidly losing confidence. He had no idea where they were, and there was only one solution.

"Hey Les, do you know where we are?'

"I can't figure it out. I think the map's in some kinda code..."

Davey sighed. It was getting too late for this. Smiling apologetically, he turned to face the others.

"Sorry, guys, I think we're lost, and it's getting a bit dark to drive anyway. If it's all right with everyone, I'll just find someplace to park and we can try and get some sleep."

After at least another half-hour of driving, a run-down rest stop came into view.

"Looks like the kinda place you could get murdered in," said Les in an undertone.

"That'd be a relief, after driving around in all this corn for hours," muttered Racetrack, who was already pulling a tattered book of matches out of his pocket. "I'm gonna step out for a moment if anyone else wants to stretch their legs."

With that simple suggestion, about half of the van emptied out. The parking lot quickly filled with grungy, Brooklyn-accented teenagers. Within ten seconds, Racetrack had disappeared behind a maintenance shed, leaving a trail of cigar smoke, and Spot had gone after him. Jack sighed.

"I think I'm gonna go buy a spray bottle."

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