A New chapter

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The mother^

My mom had found out who the father was and she was pissed and no one other than me my mom and Ash now about me being pregnant, we aren't trying to make me or my mom look bad by this even though I'm almost showing but good thing I wear oversized shirts right?

I don't really know how to handle this and my mom freaking out the most, she won't let me leave the house or let people in so you can say that I'm going to be homeschooled till I have this baby and that's not till around September I believe.

Let's go back to my mom for a minute, she is having a mental breakdown because of me, I keep saying sorry to her and I never knew I was a big disappointment to her till this moment and time, and every time Ah calls my mom always goes off.

"why did it have to be with this kid and not jacob," my mom said underneath her breath "what did you just say to me," I said kinda pissed while my voice was raising "don't yell at me before you get hurt and you heard me," my mom said getting in my face "you won't understand even if it hurts me," I said walking around back up the stairs but my mom pulled my arm "what did you say to me, what do you mean even if it hurts you?" she asked staring dead at me "nothing you wouldn't understand," I said tugging away from my mom "I would understand if you just let me in," she said letting go of my arm "you wouldn't understand because you're always on his side," I said walking away again "no I'm not," she said slightly yelling "yes you are, just because he's the governor son," I said walking up the steps "of course I'm going to be on his side because he's on yours," my mom said at the bottom of the steps "he was never on my side even when he was cheating on me over 100 times," I said closing my room door.

I would have texted are called someone but I realize my mom took everything from me, so I decided to sneak out and stay in Mr. Newberry hotel which is two blocks away from here, I soon realized after I packed my clothes for a month that I can escape through the window because I have a ladder and a tree next to my room so I decided to drop my bag through the window and get a hanger and tie a rope to it so I can get down because I see it a lot on movies and TV shows. I lassoed the hanger to get the ladder which was leaning on the tree, it took me about three tries to get it to finally lean up against my window then I climbed down the ladder got my stuff and made a break for it like I just broke out of jail.

When I was almost there I saw Ash walking out of the hotel and I ducked into the alleyway waiting for him to pass by, and when he did i went straight into the hotel looking for Mr.Newberry.

"Mr.Newberry" I yelled when I say him

"I'm sorry for interrupting but I need help and have a big problem" I whispered to him not letting the other man hear me

"Excuse me for a second please," Mr.Newberry said walking with me to get some privacy

"I need to stay here for a month if that's okay with you," I said in a panic mode

"Why can't you stay in your mother's hotel," he asked

"That'll be the first place she'll look for me," I said

"What's going on with you not usually like this," he said in confusion

"I'll tell you everything if you let me stay here for a month and you can't tell anyone not even Ash," I told him as he nodded

I told Mr.Newberry everything and he letting me stay here for two months when I only asked for one, but the one condition is that I have to work here as his assistant in the meantime

A few weeks later

It's been a few weeks since I've been working and living in Mr.Newberry hotel, I have to say that my mom hotel is a little bit better when it comes to the rooms and stuff but Mr.Newberry staff is amazing.

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