Chapter 1

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Waking up from a nice, good night's sleep, the hybrid rubbed his brown doe-like eyes, as he arose from his bed. Forgetting that today, was his special day.

Changing out of his Ryan themed, silk pajamas, Namjoon started a hot shower, while getting a fresh pair of underwear.

Hopping in the shower, scrubbing his sore muscles from last night, because his best friend made him go running with him, so he can, 'stay fit'. Already thinking he's fit enough, he just ran with him to stop his pestering.

Drying off his body, after getting out the shower. Putting on a grey oversized sweater, exposing his collarbones a little, and some black joggers. Going down the stairs, he was met with yelling, "Happy Birthday, Namjoon!" Startled by his best friend, Hoseok, and his father, the hybrid slightly jumped.

Running towards the two, Namjoon initiated a group hug, cuddling into the two males, that he grew up with all his life. Tears brimming his eyes, the hybrid spoke, "Thank you, guys, I love you so much." The Jungs hugged back, loving the warmth emitted from the hybrid. "To start off this wonderful day, we're gonna go to the diner for breakfast," Mr.Jung said, putting on his coat. "You know what that means, Joonie?... MILKSHAKES!" Hoseok exclaimed, almost drooling at the thought. "Come on, Hyungs, breakfast awaits," Namjoon said, his ears perking up.

The trio, now arriving at, 'The Moon Diner', they walked inside, and sat at a nearby booth. A waitress named, Rose, walked over to their booth, her blonde cat ears and tail, matching with her blonde hair. "Welcome to-, oh hey Joon Hyung, happy birthday," Rose, squealed, happy to see one of her best friends. "Thanks, but why do you still work here, when you're practically rich, while married to Jennie?" Namjoon asked, curious on the question he just asked. "It gets boring waiting for her to come back home from work, so I do this just to do it, plus I have to give the cash to cute male hybrids, named Kim Namjoon," Rose said, with a smirk.

"Kim Namjoon, hustling innocent girls, for money," Hoseok, pretended to be shocked and ashamed, being over dramatic as ever. "H-Hyung, I-i don't do that, I'd feel to guilty, and plus she's beyond innocent," Namjoon mumbled out, now becoming all flustered. Everyone cooed, at the hybrid. The red head began talking again, "It's okay Joon, I'll keep your secret."

Namjoon nudged him, as they all laughed, "Anyways, I'd like to have the breakfast special, with a black coffee." Mr.Jung said, while putting his menu down. "I almost forgot, I'll have waffles with eggs and bacon, with orange juice," Hoseok chirped. "I'll have pancakes with eggs and sausage, with a chocolate shake," Namjoon said, handing everyone's menu to Rose. "Ok, I'll be back with your food in a few," Rose said, as she gave the order to the cook in the kitchen.

"So Namjoon, did you get into the college you applied for?" Mr.Jung asked, sipping on his coffee. "Y-yeah actually, and the scholarship I have luckily, pays for everything I need for school," Namjoon said, and finally taking a gulp of his milkshake. "You'll be with me, in the next month," Hoseok said, as he hugged Namjoon, leaving the said boy flushed.

"Here's your food, gentleman," Rose said, bringing the group of men their food. "Thank you, Rose."

Now digging into their food, moaning at the taste, the trio had a nice conversation, and couldn't wait for the rest of the day.

After consuming all of their food, they all rubbed their tummies, "That was nice wasn't, *burp* it?" Namjoon twitched his face in disgust, "Hobi Hyung, that's gross, say excuse me." The three laughing, as Rose walked over, "Here's a slice of chocolate cake for the birthday boy, and don't worry about the bill, it's on me." Handing him the slice, Namjoon said, "D-don't say that Rose, you don't have to pay." Rose just chuckled, while ruffling his hair, "You're too innocent for your own good, but it's on the house since it's your birthday."

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