Chapter 2

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"London Exquisite Hotel."...

Eating a chocolate bar, Hoseok sat there in the Uber driver's car, as there were no more plain empty fields, only tall buildings and flashing lights. The red head only drowned himself in the song that's blasting in his ears. "Hey kid, you okay?" asked the Uber driver, startling Hoseok because the unknown man was talking to him.

"Not really, as you may see, I'm technically running away from home. My mate was also so taken from me on his birthday, and I have a good idea where he is, but that involves my mother who walked out on me and my father. So basically, what I'm trying to say is, that my life sucks pure ass," Hoseok said, now finishing the chocolate bar that he was eating. "That's tough. But hey, you seem like a nice guy, we should hang out sometime," the driver said, turning down the intersection, leading to the hotel. "How am I gonna be friends with a guy, who's name I don't even know," Hoseok chuckled, thinking about the offer.

"Youngjae, how 'bout you?"


"Youngjae, I know we just met, but would you mind if I can move in with you, till I find a place? I really don't want to stay with my mother," Hoseok asked, hoping Youngjae would say yes. He thought for a moment, "A man I just met, who I'm driving to a hotel asked to stay with me, a normal person would say no immediately, but I'm not normal, so yes. It's getting lonely at my place anyways, you can leae your stuff where you are, my shift's about to end."

"Thanks, man, here's my number," Hoseok said, taking Youngjae's phone out of the cup holder. "Thx, but unfortunately, we've arrived to your destination," said Youngjae, stopping the car in front of the hotel. "Call me when you need to be picked up," Youngjae called out, about to leave. "This won't take long, go wait in the parking lot," Hoseok ordered, his tone laced with venom as soon as he got a wift of his mother's scent. Youngjae gulped, "Don't be surprised if you hear Red Velvet blasting from the car," driving away, trying to find a space to park.

Walking into the elite hotel, Hoseok went to the receptionist at the desk, waiting patiently for the female to get off her phone call. Finally getting off her call, speaking rudely, "What do you want?" Shocked by the woman's behavior, Hoseok read the name tag on her uniform, Kim Jisoo. "Well, Miss Kim, I suggest that you tell me the room that resides, Miss Jung, or I'm telling your supervisor about your behavior," Hoseok said, trying to surpress a smirk from appearing on his face. Jisoo scoffed, "What business do you have with the boss?'

Hoseok only chuckled, "I'm her son." Jisoo got a picture out of her pocket, as she held it by Hoseok's face, her eyes went wide at the realization. "F-floor 44, s-sir," she stuttered, immediately to the man in front of her. Getting in the elevator, clicking button number 44, the elevator doors closed, as he went up to the top floor, the platinum suite, the home of his mother, the owner of the hotel. Taking in deep breaths, the red head began knocking on the door, as it was immediately opened by his mother, with open arms, his mother brung him in a bone crushing hug. Tears brimming in his eyes, as he was engulfed with his mother's dandelion scent.

Hoseok gladly hugged back, but immediately pulled away, asking her, "Are you and father working in the same business?" Ms.Jung moved out the way, letting her son inside her home. Sitting on the queen sized bed, his mother patted the space next to her with her hands, motioning for her son to sit next to her. The orange haired male, now being straddled by his mother, said person playing with his hair. "I'm so sorry, Hoseokie, I should've told you before I left. And it caused your mate to be taken," the middle aged woman sobbed, not looking a day over 30. "It's okay mum, but why?"

As his head was on his mother's lap, she began to explain, "Not too long ago, about thirteen years ago, when I left you and your father, the hotel wasn't doing so great. You know how much of an emotional person I am, so I was balling my eyes out in here, but at that time this room looked completely different. I got a call from the old receptionist, he told me there was a man coming up to my room to talk about business, well a man and his son. I was so naive to accept that dumb offer, I was just so desperate at the time, I didn't know what I was thinking. If someone ever offers you a job in the black market, don't take it."

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