It's Called Kidnapping

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Friday approached fast, I was sitting at my desk drinking lemon tea with honey while answering emails. I was wearing my white with rose gold headphones listening to zen music to keep me in a calm mood. During the week I hadn't seen Maxen that often. I think he was deliberately staying away from me, thinking that I indeed just needed some space. My heart raced when an email from Layla popped up. I was counting away the seconds, curious as to when Maxen would enter my office and throw a fit. I was already at thirty seconds when said man burst through the door and slammed it shut behind him. He was being loud considering I could hear him through my music. It was unlike him, Maxen was always calm and collected. He handled his professional life with sophistication. When he was upset about a matter he threw a fit at me about said matter but he never showed it to the rest of the world. The fact that this time his anger was actually directed toward me was fascinating yet at the same time terrifying. Taking my headphones off I met his stormy gaze.

"You're quitting your job without discussing it with me first?" He demanded to know.

He was keeping his distance, standing by the door. I assumed that he didn't want to do something rash, so keeping his distance was the only way for him to keep things as peaceful as possible between us.

"I knew you wouldn't accept it, so I made the call on my own."

"Damn right I wouldn't accept it." He stepped to my desk, glowering down at me, "What the actual fuck, Ruby? We're in this together, we promised each other that."

"I can't do this anymore."

"You can't do this anymore?" He asked to clarify, "You're deciding to quit simply because you disagree with me about this Layla Richards matter?"

I stood up as well, "It's more than that, Mr. Valentine and if you can't see that then it really is time for me to move on."

"I can't fix things between us if you don't talk to me." He walked around the desk and stood before me, his height towering over me which actually intimidated me, "Like you deciding that you're not tagging along for the family weekend. We've always visited the family house together."

My heart was racing with Maxen being so close. When he was angry at the world I could easily calm him down, standing before him then was no problem at all. Now that his anger was directed at me I felt like a little girl again. I wrapped my arms around me, tearing my gaze away from him.

"I've told you I'm not doing that anymore."

"You're not going to stay in touch with people you've known your entire life because of a stupid argument you had with me? What did mom ever do to you? Or Jasmine?"

I didn't want to hear any of this because he'd change my mind, I'd tag along because I'd hate myself for cutting his mother and sister out of my life as well. They were like family, of course, it'd be cruel. But that meant I'd never get away from Maxen.

"I can't do it!"

My eyes trailed back at him when he grabbed onto my shoulders, keeping me in place, "This isn't like you at all." His tone was a lot less tense yet his hold on me tightened, "Are you this emotional over a relationship which ended months ago?"

I pushed against his chest, trying to make him back off but he wouldn't move. It upset me even more, that I knew I wouldn't be able to move him unless he was willing to move. His stupid work-out every day made him like a Greek god with the strength of Superman. Well, not entirely but to me, it was like trying to move a brick wall.

"You have no right!"

He trailed his hands over my arms, trying to soothe my anger with his gentle gesture.

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