High on Pleasure

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A week later I was preparing chicken noodle soup in Jasmine's kitchen while my husband and Thea were talking to the young woman about her plans. The young woman was keeping the child so it was official, my ex-boyfriend would forever be a part of my life now too. Maxen was the type of the guy to be the uncle who was really involved in their nephew or niece's life. There was also Christopher who Jasmine needed to make things clear with. If she hurt his feelings we'd have problems, Maxen's little sister or not. I was lowering the heat to let the soup simmer a little when I heard footsteps approach me. Looking up I met Thea's gaze, she watched me with warm eyes. Her smile inviting and trying to push me to talk. I wasn't in the mood to talk about my feelings, there were a lot of things I was unsure about. There were also the concerns I had about me not getting pregnant. I couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong with me.

"It will happen you know, you should give it some time."

"What?" I asked, not following what Thea was on about.

"You getting pregnant, you should give it time. The more you stress about it the harder it will prove to be. Just let Maxen pamper you and have fun. Before you know it you two will also expect your first child."

I nodded, "There is that and I'm also paying my doctor a visit. I just want to be sure."

Thea stood beside me and took in my work, "You don't need my help anymore. It smells so good, darling."

I glanced at her, "Darling?"

She giggled, "Sounds weird not coming from Maxen, doesn't it?"

I laughed, "It actually does sound a bit weird, yes. It's more like I'm used to him calling me that, it's like it belongs to him now."

Thea grabbed a clean spoon and tasted the broth, "It's really good, thank you for taking care of both my children." She rinsed her spoon and placed it in the dishwasher, "I know that sometimes they're too much to deal with, so I want you to know that if you ever need someone to be a listening ear, I'm right here."

"Maxen is actually really good to me. " I admitted quietly to her, "He put up with a lot more from me."

Thea leaned against the counter, folding her arms across her chest, "My little girl still has a lot to learn. I know she doesn't say it as often as she should, but the two of you being there for her is appreciated. What do you think about this situation?"

She wanted to know how I felt about Wes being the baby daddy, she just didn't want to ask me straight-out. I had a feeling Thea wanted to keep the peace so she was looking at me with hopeful eyes. Wanting me to tell her what she wanted to hear. I absolutely hated that Wes was the father, but that wouldn't mean I'd keep Maxen away from his family. I knew deep down that it was eating at her. Thea knew Maxen would do everything in his power to make me happy. If Jasmine's situation made me unhappy he'd distance himself entirely from it. He could do it so it frightened Thea. Buttering me up and then trying to find out how I actually felt about the situation, Thea Valentine definitely matched her husband well. Unfortunately for her I worked together with Dominic's son and he proved to be more ambitious and cunning than his father so my skills were more polished than hers.

"I'd never keep Maxen away from his family despite my feelings."

Thea let out a sigh of relief, "I'm not happy about this, but she's still my daughter." Thea quietly told me, trying to explain herself to me even though I didn't ask that of her, "And that little baby is my grandchild so I'd like things to go smoothly, knowing it's selfish of me."

I didn't want her to get her hopes up too much, so I made sure I voiced my opinion loud and clear.

"I said I won't keep Maxen from his family, I might not always be around because it's hard for me to watch Wes being that child's father. I'm not a saint, I do let my emotions get the better of me all the time."

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