Evil Little Sister

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Friday morning while getting ready for work, Maxen and I discussed our plans for the night. We didn't have time to cook a homemade meal for our guests so we ordered in from a place which Maxen swore by. He didn't like my restaurant options despite the food being great. Shady places he didn't quite trust is what he called my options. They were, however, just small restaurants with average prices. When it came to these things Maxen's upbringing always showed. Then again it was nothing to be ashamed of to come from a wealthy family when you worked hard to achieve the fame which came with the name. Nowadays I could call myself Ruby Valentine yet I questioned if I could be worthy of the Valentine name. I swore to protect Maxen whatever the cost and I always made sure I could stand beside him in appearance and behavior but sometimes my true self peeked through. The selfish woman who didn't think about Maxen's stellar reputation and made him run around to please her.

Standing before the tall mirror, I curled the ends of my hair while Maxen was doing up his tie. I could feel his eyes on my back so I met his gaze in the mirror. His stormy eyes glittered, warmth washing over me as I noticed his subtle smile. He fixed his tie and straightened it, looking like his perfect self.

"They'll deliver the food around seven. So we're heading home early today."

"Things are changing."

Maxen knew I was referring to our attitude concerning Valentine Enterprises. It was still our priority but we no longer lived at the office. Our behavior was a lot healthier these days. The next step was to commit to running at the crack of dawn to start my day. Maxen was going easy on me, but I knew once we settled this dinner party he'd start kicking me out of bed to join him. I made a promise to him after all and he'd make sure I'd keep it.

"They are." He confirmed, "But for the better."

Putting my curling iron away I ran my fingers through my hair to loosen up the curls. I managed to achieve that Hollywood fabulous hair and sealed it in with some hairspray. Once I finished my hairdo Maxen stepped to me, placing his hand on my hip and leaning in to kiss my temple. I closed my eyes, loving his gentle touch. I regretted ever being against this relationship. We matched perfectly and I should have realized that sooner since Maxen and I worked together without any issues from the start. Running away from something so beautiful is definitely something I regretted.

"I love you." Opening my eyes I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing up against my husband who seemed to like my attention, "Things are definitely better these days." Kissing him gently on the lips, I pulled away and walked past him, ready to collect my things. Maxen, however, had other plans. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. My back hit his front while he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"I love you too." He hugged me tightly from behind, his lips pressing against my pulse.

I tightly held onto his arm, trying to hide my smile by leaning on his arm. I then realized that my makeup was probably all over his jacket's sleeve. Feeling anxious about him needing to change clothes I quickly pulled away and grabbed his arm to inspect the sleeve of his jacket. I let out a sigh, Maxen definitely needed to change his suit since his jacket did get stained by my foundation. I faced my husband and undid the buttons of his jacket.

"We don't have time for that, darling." He sounded amused.

"Your jacket got stained, change into something else." I ordered, "I'll get that cleaned right away."

Maxen pulled away from me and tried to inspect his sleeve, "It's not that bad. Let's just head to the office. You know I have meetings outside the office today-"

I grabbed onto the back of his jacket when he tried to walk past me and forcefully took that jacket off him. He stumbled back but I knew he was fine. I tossed the jacket on our bed and grabbed his wrist, making him face me. He seemed at loss of words which was fine by me. Reaching for his belt I quickly undid it and moved to his zipper.

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