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 🍍Hai~!! Welcome to my humble abode!! Enjoy reading this amazing story that does not suck at all!! Hear the sarcasm? Yea, I think the writing sucks. It's a terrible book, but you read it, so have fun reading The non-sucky book!!!



        The hoot of an owl woke me up, the sound some where nearby. My eyes fluttered open and sleepily looked around the dimly lit room. The moon's pale light shined into the room through the window, casting a shadow that mimicked my movements. I turned to face the window's transparent surface and looked outside. I spotted the culprit who woke me and scowled in annoyance at the large owl. When It turned in my direction, it seemed to look directly at me and I felt goosebumps rise up on my skin. When it looked away, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. 'Who knew owls could be so creepy'I thought. I let the scowl go and propped myself up on my elbow. As I stared outside, I noticed the silhouettes of three people near the house next door. I wonder who they are. I let it go, thinking it was probably Mr. Monterrey and his his two boys hunting again, seeing as how the moonlight kept reflecting off rifles. I laid back down and turned away from the window. I looked around the room again, trying to see the faint outlines of furniture in the moonlight.

My bedroom door was open, the hallway beyond it dark and silent, save the ticking of the Grandfather clock. The clock rang and chimed, signaling that it was now 1 am. I grumbled in annoyance and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. The blankets rustled softly as I shifted around to try to get comfortable. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the owl flapped its wings loudly and began hooting repeatedly. By the way it sounded, I guessed that the owl was flying away.'But what scared it away?', I asked myself. As soon as I thought that, I heard the neighbor's dog start freaking out, barking and growling at something. I stayed as still as I could, straining my ears in an attempt to hear past the baying mutt. The dog yelped in pain and went silent. My mind began to create horrifying things and I felt tears prick my eyes. The world went unnaturally quiet, but I got lost in my thoughts and didn't notice.

I fought my way out of my thoughts and turned as slowly as I could, closing the curtains when I turned around completely. I calmed down and tried to figure what could've happened. 'The dog probably just saw a deer or something and tried to chase it and the chain choked it back and it stopped chasing after the something. Yeah that's probably what happened.', I concluded. But what I heard next proved that theory wrong. I jerked up into a sitting position when I heard a fear-filled scream shatter the silence. My eyes were wide, my pulse pounding in my ears, my mind filled with fear and panic. The scream kept replaying in my head as I pleaded silently for the neighbors to be okay. I shot out of bed and dashed downstairs. I don't know why I did. I just felt as if I needed to help Mrs. Monterrey. I completely forgot about me being dressed only in underwear and a tank top or that it had just snowed outside, and it was freezing outside. I ran to the door and threw it open, letting out all of the hot air from the house. I ran faster when another scream sounded, this one full of pain.

         The bitter cold air stung my skin, the snow making my feet numb. It hurt to breathe, my lungs feeling like I was inhaling glass. I was in pain, yet I didn't care as I came crashing into the front door. I heard rushed voices, hurried footsteps, and, a second later, a window being broken, then.... nothing. The night was quiet, the only sound was the labored breathing of someone in pain. With an adrenaline fueled body, I began ramming into the door, trying to open it. It would buckle with each hit, but it wouldn't budge. I got an idea and began kicking the doorknob. After the fifth hit, it busted, granting me access to the house.  

       Inside was a mess, the furniture had been shoved around, a coffee table was on its side, drawers and cabinets were open. A gust of air blew in from a shattered window, the curtains shifted in the freezing breeze. Glass shards littered the ground around the window. I ran up to it, looking out for the culprits, and was met with a quiet night, no one was outside. I turned away, hearing a pained cry for help. I suddenly fell forward, my left foot giving out from under me. I cursed as I looked down. Crud. A fairly large piece of glass had somehow managed to stab through my foot, and I didn't know. I must have frostbite. That's not important. I pulled out the glass, ignoring how the wound bled quickly, and limped to where I heard Mrs. Monterrey. 

          I came to a door, pushing it open. I felt my heart stop as I took in the sight of blood and more blood surrounding a impregnated woman with a kitchen knife stuck in her stomach. I felt like gagging, but I had to stay calm. "M-mrs. Monterrey, I-I'm here. I'm going t-to help you, okay?" , I said as calmly as I could. She looked at me with tear filled eyes. "A-Ally...?" , she asked with a tremble in her voice. I nodded and fell to my knees beside her. "Ally, c-call the police! G-go!" , she urged me. I got up again, rushing away. Phone! Phone, where is the fucking phone at!? 

       I found one in the kitchen, and snatched it up. I dialed 911, my hands shaking slightly.

   "911, what's your emergency?" I told them what happened and they asked the address. I told them the address, and asked what to do about the knife. "Okay, ma'am, first, try to find any towel-like material." I listened to what he said, frantically looking for a towel. "I found one. Now what?" 

    "Go back to the injured woman and pull out the knife, you'll have to pull it out fast or you'll worsen her situation." I followed his direction, going back to Mrs.Monterrey. I kneel down beside her again, apologizing as I gripped onto the blade's handle and yanking it upwards quickly. She screamed hoarsely, clawing at my hands as I pressed the towels against the profusely bleeding stab wound. The towel was immediately soaked, and I switched it out with a thicker one. I had Mrs. Monterrey hold it for me, so I could leave the house. I dashed outside, running onto the road. A car shot past me, and I heard it screech to a stop.

        "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" , I heard a teen shout. I turned to him and he looked me up and down. "Is that blood...?" , ha asked like he didn't want to know. I ran away, hoping he'd follow, and he did. With him shouting for me to stop, I ran back into the house, stopping in the living room. He came in and I beckoned him in a panicked way. "Please, help me. M-my neighbor is hurt...!", I pleaded. He followed me to the room where Mrs. Monterrey was and she had passed out. "No, no, no! Wake up!", I cried, applying pressure to the wound again. I got the teen to hold the towel down as I picked up the phone again. "Hello? A-are you still there?"

 "Yes, ma'am. I am."

    I told the man I had a guy helping me and he told me the ambulances were coming. I sighed in relief, and put the phone down. The teen was very pale by now, his hands covered in blood. I took his place and told him to got outside so he could attract the ambulances. He ran out the room and I was left on the floor. I changed the towel, the blood flow was lessening, I don't know if that's good or (nah!!!!😛) not. I heard sirens and refrained from jumping in joy. The next thing I know, I'm being relieved of taking care of Mrs. Monterrey. 

           Just as all the paramedics and I were leaving, I heard a loud bang in the distance and I spun around. Suddenly, I felt something penetrate my right eye and I shrieked as pain shot through my head. I felt blood pour and I faintly heard the paramedics shouting. I nearly blacked out from the intensity of the pain, losing my balance, and falling. The impact rattled my head, making the pain intensify. And because of that, I passed out. The last thing I remember was getting picked up and the teenager talking to me.


Word count: 1584

   Ballo! I know this was short. That's how most chapters will be, and I apologize. I'll warn you ahead of time, updates will be slow. I do have my other book, and I have this one too. My creativity will be almost gone when I work on this book. I'm just letting you all know. I'm out.




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