Chapter One

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I wake up, not sure if I truly opened my eyes. The unfamiliar darkness swallows anything around me, and the sound of a train horn jogs my senses as I start to panic. Where am I? What do I remember last? I remember being with Logan, cuddling with her on my couch, watching Star Wars. I think I heard a bang and shouting, footsteps coming to my room. It was late, the dark of my room being lighted up by flashlights on guns. I stood up and went in front of Logan, prepared to protect her from these people with everything I could. The door bust open and I run to the first soldier that I saw, and managed to pin him on the ground. She yells, "Greyson", my own name sounding unfamiliar to me in my memories. Then a woman in a pantsuit walks in with 10 escorts, and signals one of them, and a second later I see a butt of gun come at my face, and then nothing.

I'm brought back to reality when wherever I am shakes to a stop. I wince in pain as I tap my head, remembering where the gun hit. I hear a whimper and crying from multiple people, but one of them sounded more familiar than the rest, like I heard it before.

"Logan?", I yell out into the dark. I hear a gasp to my right and rush over to its source.

"Greyson, is that you? I didn't see them put you in here". I wrap my arms around her, only seeing a silhouette of her body. She digs her face in my neck, crying as I stroke her hair.

"Where are we? What happened?", I asked her.

"We're in a train car, they put us and a lot of other kids in here. When you got hit, they dragged both of us to these all black cars, you know, the ones from movies, and put bags over our heads. They talked about some sort of facility on an island before they threw me in here, they said they'd put you into a different car", she holds me tighter, "I'm so sorry I didn't do anything".

"Don't be sorry, Im sorry I didn't do more", I separate from her, "Who are 'they'?''

"I'm not sure, could be for the government. But we were both taken, and we both have something that not normal about us".

I sigh, "It's not a coincidence". I jump as I hear something moving outside, then on the side of the car. Daylight breaks in as the doors open, everyone groaning at the bright light. I look at Logan again. Her frizzy hair with blue highlights is still as wild as it usually is. Her brown skin and her clothes, jeans and a plain blue shirt short sleeve shirt, covered in dirt and her arms have bruises, probably from her struggle with our captors.
                 Her eyes were filled with fear, and she had tears running down her face as the sunlight lit up the car. I turn toward the door, prepared to charge any amount of soldiers, but I see a cylinder thrown into the car, landing near us, and cover Logan with my body as a bright light blinds us, and I hear everyone scream and shuffle as heavy feet come into the car. I feel a pair of boots coming close, and lunge in the direction of the soldier, tackling him at his knees and punching wildly, blinded. I hear another soldier coming too late as I feel a fist hit my face, blowing me off the soldier and on the ground groaning.
               The metal shakes as the guard who hit me stands over me and picks me up by my shirt, punching my face. I struggle not to pass out as I see Logan being picked up by the shoulders by a pale, beefy guard, with black, buzzed hair. He tossed her over his shoulder, and I reach over to her while the guard holding me hits me, and I drift into unconsciousness.

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