Chapter 4

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 "Don't worry, I didn't take it from you, I just...suspended it for a short time". He chuckles at the voices getting louder at him. 

"Now", he pauses till everyone is silent, "you will do as we say, or I can do far worse than constrict your powers". 

He turns around and leaves from the booth out of sight, and the whole arena is quiet with a feeling of despair. A crowd gathers around Dr.Braxton, and panic seems to strike the once confident doctor. One kid stepped out closest to him, and his shaggy black hair, olive skin, and red eyes somehow turned a grey color, and his clothes, a green army jacket and jeans, ripped in half as he grew double his size before. Black wings sprouted out his back, and he roared so loud the soldiers guarded the place where I entered ran away, leaving Braxton vulnerable. The kid goes closer and closer while everyone backs away from him, and Braxton is forced against the wall behind him.

"I will not allow myself to be part of any experiment", the creature once human said in a gravelly, deep voice, reaching his right claw towards the doctor, "I will personally kill you and your boss, and enjoy every step of it". Everyone seemed to be frozen in fear as he wraps his hand around Braxton's neck. I step out of the crowd.

"Hey!", I yell at him, waving my hands, "Don't give us the bad image we already have enough of. Let him live, and help us escape", I inch closer and closer with every word I say. He drops his victim violently, and Braxton gasped for air as he runs behind me towards the guards.

"That's it. What's your name?"

"Austin, now get out my way", he comes towards me and breaks towards Braxton again.

"Sorry, friend, I can't let you affect the rest of us", I stand my ground as he comes closer.

"I can make you move", he responds with a snarl. I can tell he's prepared to use those wings. I stay put and look him in the eye.

"Greyson!", I hear Logan yell as she goes in the front row of the crowd, "He's dangerous, stop!"

I throw her a smile, "Aren't we all dangerous here?". I hear her scream as I hear and feel a gust of wind, and turn to see him bullet towards me. I stomp on the ground and rock flies up and hits him in the stomach, flinging him up in the air, crashing into the ground. He staggers up and I finally put my fist up.

"I don't want to do this", I say calmly through my fear of getting torn apart by his claws. He growls again and this times flies straight up and looks down, what looked like a bird searching for prey. His eyes focused on Logan, and he dived like an eagle towards her. I run towards her and launch more parts of the ground at him, but now he can dodge them with ease. I tackle her to the ground, sliding us feet away from Austin, and just as he thought he was about to grab her, I shoot a rod of fire at him, making him yell in pain as he hits the ground with singed wings. Somehow, he still wants to get up and fight. He's breathless as I stand up across him.

"Please", I try to convince him again. He sighs and seconds later he returns to his human self, except his clothes were perfectly in tact.

"Your cloth-", I start to say, but he holds up one hand.

"I've heard it before, I have no control of that", he responds as he drags himself closer to me. He holds out his hand.

"What are you, an Avatar?", he asked jokingly, but he doesn't smile like it wasn't meant to be funny.

"An elemental, so basically, yeah, I'm the Avatar", I reply as I shake his hand. "What are you, Austin?".

"A demon, except I'm not dead yet". I shake my head.

"Kinda fits the google pictures", replying with a smile. He looks past me to Logan, who was brushing dirt of her. She looks at him with an expression of questioning.

She walks toward him, "Why did you charge me?".

Austin shrugs, "Heard you yelling to Greyson, so I figured I could snatch him instead of you as he tries to protect you".

"Glad we're all good, I'd hate to be snatched", I punch his shoulder, not sure if I should have done that, considering he tried to kill me. Luckily he smiled at this small sign of affection. 

"So, what's our plan now?", he turns towards me. I realize that a lot of eyes were on me, almost all of the kids in the stadium were focused on me.

"Well", I say with a smile, "We bust out"

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