Chapter 2

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When I wake up for the second time after being knocked out, I'm in what looks like a school's nurses office. There's 2 doors in the room, one right across from me and the other on the left side. The walls are cement, painted white, reminding me of my school, and the floors are white tile. I'm lying on a leather bed covered in plastic, covered in white sheets that I'm lying on neatly distributed over it. Theres a bed on the left and right of me. My head aches in pain as I sit up. Where's Logan? I look around, but she's not near me. I stand up, then sit back down, my head and dizziness making me unsteady. I try again, using a table on the side of the bed as support. I make my way towards the wall, using the bed to help me. I pass a window, looking at myself for the first time since our kidnapping. My tan face is all bruised, and I have cut on my eyebrow and cheekbone that didn't seemed tended to, dried blood smeared all over. My naturally grey hair was wild, but it's always like that. My mom says it has something to do with my "special" abilities. My arms are covered in dirt, and one of my eyes is swollen shut. My other eye has red surrounding the brown I liked, which made me even more mad at these people. The black jean jacket I wore was ripped at some parts, and my white school shirt was stained in my own blood. My black pants were relatively clean as I shake off patches of dirt. I move down to the doors. I looked through the rectangular window in the left one, but the light was off in whatever that place is, so I went to the other door and luckily there was light into the place it leads. It's a long, wide hallway, with the same floors and walls as the room I'm in. Doors were on each side of each other, stretching farther than the eye can see. I open the door shaking, terrified about what could be out there, and where Logan can be. I walk down the hallway for what seems like forever, until I hear noises at an intersection and turn right in its direction. There's a set of metal double doors, looking like it could hold something very big. The door shakes as I hear screaming from inside, gun fire, and then nothing. I quickly turn around and head down the new hallway, which turned right.

I walked into a huge arena, except there was no stadium, only a booth where the ceiling met the wall. The walls seem to be part of a mountain, maybe even in a mountain. The ceiling was the same way, except it had something hanging down that was like the maps that teachers could roll down. I couldn't see what or who was inside, red velvet curtains blocked my sight. In the middle of the arena was a podium surrounded by what looked like people my age. They were all different, different skin and hair color, different clothes, but everyone I saw looked terrified. I looked for Logan in the crowd, but I couldn't find her. There seemed to be a perfect amount of chairs, like they prepared this before. There was only one empty seat. My seat. I turn around to run, but then a deep voice stops me.

"Greyson Cullin", he said as the curtain in the booth is pulled back. It was a middle aged man, tan, dressed in a black suit with a white undershirt and a black tie. There's a shuffle of movement in my direction, every single kid turning towards me.

"Have a seat", he demands as he gestures to my seat. Footsteps come from behind me, and I look back and see a whole legion of troops, all armed with guns and batons, blocking every crevice of where I entered.

 "Who are you?", I yell at him.

He chuckles lightly, "I am Ezekiel, founder of the Gemini Project and governor of Zodiac Island".

I stay where I am, "How do you know me? What is the Gemini Project, and what is Zodiac Island?"

"All that will be explained by Dr.Braxton". The soldiers behind me split even in half, leaving a pathway for a short, old white man who was wearing a white lap coat with a black undershirt and tightly fitting jeans. He seemed proud at the fact the did this for him, considering he reached their chest only when he stands up straight. He moves for the podium, the eyes and bodies of the teenagers following him, seeking answers about where they are, whats going to happen to them. I feel a pair of cold eyes on me.

"Greyson," Ezekiel says as he points at the open seat, "have a seat, young man".

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