identity ask pt. 2

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12.) Dog person or cat person?

Probably dogs, becuase they're more energetic, and I really like greyhounds.

I like snakes the very best though.

13.) indoors or outdoors?

Indoors, my only outdoor hobby is swinging and listening to music

15.) Five most influencal books in your life time?

1.) The biggest was, and is still 'the perks of being a wallflower'

2.)The Harry potter series was really what started my love of reading. I read it in third grade, so I wasn't in the fandom, but it was a big part of my life.

3.)Percy Jackson, again, I was to young to be in the fandom, but I was always into mythology as a kid, mainly Egyptian and Greek, so I really loved the entire series. Honestly, I think that they're better than HP but, don't fight me

4.) Milk and honey by rupi kaur

People keep making fun of her poetry for being to """feminist""" or whatever, but all of those poems are so beautiful and I love them so much

That's all I can think of tbh, I've read many good books but most of them aren't very eye opening you know?

21.) Do you love easily?

I hope you want a long winded answer, becuase that's what's gonna happen

So, I just have so much love in my heart, but obvs no significant other, so I smother my friends with love, I love idols and fictional characters with all of my heart, I just love so much

But I don't like really consuming myself with irl people becuase they never return it? It's like they don't even half ass it either and it really upsets me. Like, I have expectations for my future S. O. To love me like I love them but it's so hard to find people that don't find me annoying, or make me feel like I'm annoying

At least when I adore a fictional character they have an exuse to not love me back, ya dig?

Alot of my old friends would just kind of leech off of me I feel? Like I'm their personal diary but they couldn't care less about what's going on in my life. Not like I would tell them tbh,, I don't even tell my best friend super personal things oops.

And I have this friend that I adore but we havnt seen each other in forever becuase he's a grade lower than me and I'm really bad at keeping in contact, and I feel like when we "re unite" this upcoming school year we're gonna be pretty inseparable?

Like he's such a sweet kid

But, I just have this problem of consuming myself in other people and I guess loving this much is a good thing becuase 85% of the time I feel pretty great about myself  (that was a fuxking journey, lemme tell you)

So, long story short, I love very easily and alot. But I'm also scared

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