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Basic Information

Name: Loukia Skarsguard
Pronunciation: Loo-key-ah

Gender: Female
Age: Young Adolescent

Species: Avian Dragoness
Origin: 150 million years from the future

Inner Flesh Color: Fiery Red-Gold
Main Coloration: Coral Beauty Angelfish

Elemental Prowess: High
Dominant: Fire
Sub-dominant: Earth
Combined: Explosion

Shoulder: 8 ft | 2.4 m
Forehead: 12.5 ft | 3.8 m
Length (nose to tail): 45 ft | 13.7 m

Total: 80 ft | 24.3 m
Per wing: 40 ft | 12.1 m

Father: Shrike
Mother: Orielle
Mate: None
Hatchlings: None
Rider: None

Loukia can be extremely intimidating under many circumstances. Not only is she a giant amongst her species, especially for a female, but her personality hardly reflects a charmed nature. Her excessive pride and rude carelessness often cloud her judgement, allowing her to appear stuck up. When speaking to others about her personal views and thoughts, Loukia can become lost in her own words; she doesn't hesitate to give strangers or friends her blunt opinion, in turn appearing rude without that affect being her original intention.

She has a sharp, defensive wit, an acidic temperament, and a very sarcastic attitude whenever she chooses. Giving the impression of holding most people in disdain, this dragoness comes off as extremely arrogant and self-centered, believing herself to be above others. True enough, Loukia is superior in battle, something she has been training for since she was young and has grown to love over the years. She even exhibits sadistic tendencies, which she developed on account of learning things the hard way as a child; it is difficult for her to see the light in anything when her life started out so dark.

Loukia experiences certain sensations of simply being an "old soul" on the inside. The feelings that accompany this are usually: a feeling of world wariness, mental tiredness, watchful patience, and detached calmness. Unfortunately, others can perceive this attitude as aloof and cold.

Stoic would be the best word to describe Loukia. She has always been independent and somehow self-possessed, having learned from her mentor that is it best not to betray herself to emotions as a child, but she does depend on those around her, more than she lets on, or will ever admit. Underneath the dispassionate facade, she is hateful only to those who she seriously doesn't like, but is capable of showing true love and affection to those she believes has earned it.

Despite her flaws, Loukia has a strong moral core. She is dutiful and just, willing to make the right decisions and sacrifices if the situation comes down to it. She has a keen eye for the wicked and a soft heart for those otherwise unable to protect themselves. Though she can be, at times, vindictive, she is cruel only to protect those she loves. Righteousness soars through Loukia's golden veins, and her strong moral code is what keeps her heart surging.

 Righteousness soars through Loukia's golden veins, and her strong moral code is what keeps her heart surging

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