Personal RP Rules

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Yes, yes, I have the same set of rules for both of my characters. I only ask of a few things to minimize the drama. If you can't follow these rules and give me the decency I ask for, then I can't role-play with you. Weh.

1. Absolutely no "god-modding". This means play it fair, be reasonable and mostly realistic, and do not under any circumstances control the actions of another person's character. If you don't follow this rule, I will god-mod your skeleton so far out your body that you will never find it again.

2. Please don't ruin my vibe with that intense Tier 1 b.s. I don't have the time, nor do I have the want. I'm not into it. So don't even try. ( Okay, I lied. I'm currently working on learning how to fight using T1, but I'm not yet skilled enough. Leave me alone. )

3. I am not subjected to continue role-playing with someone if I don't want to. I am here for friendly fun. At the same time, nobody else is subjected to role-play with me if they do not agree with my set of rules. Feel free to let me know outside of role-play if you have an issue. I'm so damn reasonable, you have no idea. Just don't be a sassy little brat to me and we will resolve the problem.

4. Do. Not. Kill. Off. My. Character. This is my biggest "no, no". I put TONS of time and effort into creating Loukia, and I will not let her be destroyed. If you simply demand a duel to the death for straight up fun, then great, but we must both agree upon this. And, I will always bring my character back after a duel to the death, and you are welcome to do so also. I just don't understand the point of killing off perfectly good characters. This is not Game of Thrones.

If you are still interested in interacting with my characters after reading my rules, yay! Go you. If you wish to duel, please let your full intentions be known to me in private message or outside of role-play (( in brackets )) to better set up a time and place for a duel.

Thank you.
Happy role-playing to all!
~ Em.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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