Personal History

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Loukia's relationships with her parent were extremely short and dark at best. Her mother, Orielle, was sentenced a death ceremony when she tried running away with Loukia to escape Shrike, her father, because of his extremely controlling and abusive nature. Lou was only a pup when her mother abandoned the family in order to save herself from the death sentence. Her father was only alive to see her reach the age of twelve years before meeting his match against an Einhorn while trying to protect his only prodigy. It's safe to say Loukia didn't have the healthiest childhood.

After her mother's leaving, Shrike began fantasizing of the ultimate apprentice to carry on his legacy. Against Loukia's wishes, her father decided to become her mentor, but with his own personal method. He firmly believed that pain and punishment was the most successful technique to build the fortitude a great warrior needed; Loukia would most always end up bruised, bloodied, and drained after an endless day of combat practice.

As a child, Shrike would regularly blindfold little Loukia and fly her out to one of the many levitating mountains far outside the Avian suburbia, leaving her to find her own way back. This was one effective way of punishment, as she never repeated her mistakes after going through these relentless ordeals. The first trip home nearly lasted a month; she returned to her father half-starved and thoroughly traumatized, but her willingness to learn had blossomed.

On Loukia's twelfth birthday, Shrike decided his pupil needed to prove her worthiness. During a day-trip to the Avian capital, Akreon, Shrike openly challenged his daughter to a duel, taking her off guard in the middle of the bustling city. Only after destroying multiple buildings in their brutal fight did Loukia finally have a grasp at the upper hand when an invading Einhorn interrupted the brawl, ultimately killing Shrike as he tried to protect his daughter from the monster.

Existing became even more difficult for the dragoness after her father was deceased. Born and raised in one of the most tumultuous eras in Avian history, Loukia was constantly bombarded with the threat of danger at every corner. She exhibited a high level of affinity for the various arts of battle as a pup, and as she grew older and more proficient in her training, others began to notice her abilities. Many times has she been struck by envious groups of dragons with intentions of recruiting or destroying Loukia, among other things, with the interest of her prominent capabilities.

Due to her extremely large size, she was able to fool the law and join the Avian capital's Royal Guard before she was of appropriate age. This was the one thing that gave her life purpose before she was taken prisoner by the capital,  due to the revelation of her deceit five years later. Loukia was only imprisoned for half a year before she managed to escape her bindings and flee her home era with the help of an extremely powerful friend of her mother's.

Loukia is not interested in speaking much of her past (or future) with others, for they stir up unwelcome memories, but she has no problem with mentioning certain things. She genuinely enjoys describing what Earth will be like in the far future.

Despite her troubled history, Loukia is usually able to keep her temper in check. She can seem quite unstable at times, though. A golden aura often emanates from her mouth and scars whenever she expresses intense emotions.

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