Chapter 1

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"He asked you to tutor hi in math?" Ella asks and I nod.

"Luke he has an A+ in all of his classes." She tell me and i raise an eyebrow.

"Why would he ask me to be his tutor then?" I ask her

"Maybe he likes you Lucas!" She exclaims and I cover her mouth looking around the hallway, luckily everyone was already engulfed in their own conversations.

"Like i said last night, Ella; he is straighter than a line." I comment and she rolls her eyes.

"He was all over you last night Luke!" She exclaims and i sigh.

"He was drunk Ella." I tell her opening my locker. She sighs opening her own.

"I want you to be happy." She says and i smile over at her.

"I am."

"Is your first tutoring thing tonight?" She questions and i nod. "Totally ship you guys."

"Oh be quiet Ella." I groan and she smirks

"I knew you liked him. Just by the way you grin when i talk about him." She tell me and I roll my eyes. I did like Ashton, but I wasnt going to tell her that.

"I dont like him." I tell her and she scuffs as Michael comes up behind her wrapping his arms around her kissing her head.

"Oh forgot to tell you, Michael asked me to be his girlfriend." She tells me.

"As long as you dont hurt my sister im okay with it." I tell him and he nods.

"Dont worry bro. Deal with your own love life." he tells me and Ella giggles.

"He's in denial." She comments and i roll my eyes.

"Go be a couple or something." I grumble before walking away slaming my locker shut.

"Hey Luke!" I hear someone yell from behind me. I turn around slowly seeing Calum coming towards me.

"Hi?" I say but it comes out more of a question. I had never talked to Calum before really, he was best friends with Ashton.

"Was that a question?" He asks when he finally get near me.

"Yeah. You never talk to me." I say awkwardly and he frowns.

"Well I'm going to have to change that since Ashton.." He starts but quietly stops and i frown looking at him confused "Nevermind, anyway i just think youre pretty cool."

"Me? Cool?" I say confused

"Yeah you cool." He says chuckling.

"Wow. Never heard that before." I mumble and he laughs.

"Come on." He says and i oblige following after him. We walk into English class, i take my normal seat in the back. I noticed Ashton was a little closer to where i sit than he normally is.

"Luke." Ashton says getting my attention. I turn to him and he smiles softly at me.

"My house at 5 okay?" He questions and i nod flashing him a smile.


"And I'm keeping my promise." He comments when i turn around making me blush, maybe i did like Ashton.


Well. that dragged along. One because this is an important chapter and i feel its the chapter where Luke realizes he likes Ashton. AND ASHTON YOU LITTLE CRAP IS FLIRTING!!!

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