Chapter 3

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"YOU MADE OUT!!!!" Ella exclaims making me cover her mouth.

"Jesus El. Yes we made out. Calm down please." I tell her. She rolls her eyes at me before walking out of my room. Minutes later she comes back smiling widely.

"Look what Mr. Irwin posted on Twitter a couple minutes ago" She says handing me her computer.

" 'Cant stop thinking of you.' " I read out loud. She jumps up and down as i cover my face trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Who do you think thats about Lukey pooky?" She questions messing up my hair. I try to fix it as i push her away.

"Who knows El." I say rolling my eyes.

"You do, I do, he does. You guys are so cuteeee." She says and i groan.

"Leave El." I say pointing to the door. She groans before grabbing her computer stalking out of my room. I shake my head as my phone goes off, I pick it up and see a number i didnt know.

"Hello?" I say

"Luke?" I hear Ashton's voice fill my ears.

"Yeah this is me. How did you get my number?" I questions knitting my eyebrows together.

"I have people." He tells me and I raise an eyebrow laughing lightly.

"My sister gave you my number didnt she?" I ask him. He lets out a giggle as i hear a door shut.

"Yes she did. Seeing you didnt give it to me yesterday." He says making me blush remembering last nights events.

"Sorry about that." i tell him biting my lip nervously.

"Oh its fine in the end i got it so we're good." he says giggling softly. "So on to what i called you for... I wanted to ask you if you would like to spend the day with me?"

"I- I.. would love to." i tell him stuttering slightly.

"Great! Would it be weird if i told you i was outside waiting for you?" he question. I jump off my bed and walk over to my window peering out of it. As Ashton had said he was standing there looking up at my window. He giggles into the phone before waving at me.

"Ill be down in a minutes." I tell him before hanging up. I run to my closet and groan in frustration. "Emma!!" i call moving clothes around.

"Yes?" she asks leaning on the doorframe.

"Thank you." i whisper stopping what i was doing to look at her. She smiles walking over to my closet.

"You dont have to think me." she tells me pulling out a pair of my tightest skinny jeans.

"You are the best sister ever!!" I exclaim hugging her tightly.

"Get off of me. Save that for Ashton."She tells me pushing me off. I roll my eyes moving away from her. She throws my Nirvana shirt hitting me in the face with it.

"Thanks for hitting me." i say sarcastically as so leaves my room

"Have fun on your date! Make sure to tell me all about it!"

"Not a date!" i respond talking off my sweats  putting on the skinny jeans. And throw off my shirt as i walk out my room. Putting on the new shirt as i go down the stairs. I fix my hair in the hallway mirror before walking out the front door.

"Ready to go?" Ashton questions grabbing my hand.



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