Hi My Name Is Connor

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August 15th, 2038

PM 07:36:35

I've just been hired at the local Detroit Police Department or for short DPD. My Lieutenant, Hank Anderson. He wasn't happy today.

"Is something wrong, Lieutenant?" He groaned.

"This fucking thing is my new partner. Connor." I looked, immediately.

"Hi, my name is Connor, the android, sent by Cyberlife." I was shocked 'An android ? I thought-?' I was puzzled, "Hello, my name is (Y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you, Connor."

I put my hand out for a hand shack he didn't seem to respond. I slide my hand down, it already felt weird for an Android to be here. Even when it's my first day, "You were originally supposed to me my partner, till this piece of wasted plastic showed up." His voice was cold, neutral.

"I'll ask Captain, if I can join still.."

"Forget about that, we have a case!" Hank spoke. Rushing out the door, Connor followed with him. I sighed, "Screw it." I said catching up with them to Hank's car.
PM 08:29:06

We were at an apartment, I had to side with Connor. Hank couldn't the SWAT Team said it was risky to send an elder for this new thing that is happening. Ridiculous, for sending me as well, some who is also human.

Connor was fiddling with his quarter, I couldn't help, but look on what he was doing. He kept flipping the quarter. Again and again, it was tiring me out already, went he flipped once more he flipped to the back of his hand, the coin was rolling side to side. 'In-Incredible! How, not even a modern android can do that!'

The elevator dinged, he caught the quarter facing heads, clearly to been seen. I was in shook 'Why doesn't the Lieutenant like him? He's amazing!' I thought.

We bother walked out, walking at the side of a large fish tank a fish was there he picked it up and placed it back in he fish tank.

"Please save my daughter from that android!" A woman appeared and was gripping tightly on Connor's fixed suit. She mustn't have notice that I was at the side of him. "You're sending in an android!? No.. No! Why can you just send in a real person!" She echoes, being held down walking to the hallway.

"Don't let that thing near her!" She screamed. "Keep that thing away from my daughter!"

Connor looked with a neutral expression, still. I sighed, "C'mon, Connor. Let's go.." I sighed walking towards Caption Allen he was in the bedroom along with others.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK! My men are ready to step in.. just order them!" I already knew that him and I are not going to get along. "Caption Allen?" I asked.

He looked at the both of us. "My name is (Y/n). And this is-" "My Name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." I rolled my eyes.

I looked down he laptop is, the android, it's already fired two men.

"We can easily get it but they're at the edge of the balcony.." Suicide mission. I noticed that there was a little girl with the android. If it falls.." "She falls.." I added. Connor didn't seem to react at all with that small sentence.

"Do you know it's name?" Connor asked. "I don't know. Does it matter?" Allen said, harsh. "I need it so I can determine the best approach, Allen." I replayed. "Do you know if the deviant has been behaving strangely before this?" I asked. He got up looking at me ferocious. I was a dog to him in a matter of fact.

"Listen, saving this kid is all what it matters now.. Now you either deal with this fucking android, or I'll deal with it myself.." He said it like I was a threat to me. "Leave her alone, Allen. She's new." I blushed slightly. "Yeah, this is my first day."

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