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The order was approved, I let of a harsh breath seeing that android running away with a child. That poor child must've been taken everywhere or maybe for the worse it might have been kidnapped and taken around. No that wasn't in the report all it said that the owner quoted saying the android ram away. I might have to look deeper into that but for now we might as well not risk our lives running through that freeway. I don't know how they made it over to that other side without scene a scratch on them.
Hank and Connor already left then scene but I stayed in a bit longer, viewing that the android knelt down seeing if the child was alright. My heart took a slight bump out as a kind of empathy for them.

We drove down back to the station writing up everything we've witnessed, I couldn't get my mind out but only think of how that kid must've been hurt some way or another or maybe she might be sick of running around trying to find a place to stay. Maybe the person who reported the android, Todd Wilsons, maybe something was going on around in that house. I might have to inspect that case later in the day or maybe tomorrow. I brought my head back into place and submitted in the reports as Connor did his weird eye twitch thingy. I looked around curios about his features, he had cute little moles near his cheeks. His LED light flashing around in circles, making a small golden color too before it returning to cold ice.

"Hello there Ms. (L/N). Is there something wrong, or would you like some help?" His tone of voice seemed creamy. It was sweet yet firm as well.

"Oh no, it's nothing Connor I was just looking at your features!" He lifted one side of his mouth before making an awkward grin. "Thank you, Ms"— I cut him off. "You can just call me (Y/N). It's easier." He nodded. "Thank you, (Y/N). CyberLife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans." I smiled before hearing footsteps up close to the side of me, turning he threw me his car keys.

"Hey it's getting a bit late and I'm hungry. Wanna go and get something to eat?"
"Well will you look at that, I was just thinking about that. Want to go to that near by Chicken feed?" He nodded walking past us already out the station I followed along with him. I waved down at Connor bringing him back.

November 6th, 2038
PM 03:02:05

As we arrived Hank was the first to get out of the car quickly almost to be hit by a car driving by but lucky stoped before continuing off with its path. I heard a bit him talking to the cook at the Chicken Feed before me and Connor both left at the same time, that man talk to him seemed a bit familiar. Something among the names of Pedro I believe, the last time I saw him there 2was something for illegal gambling. i order back my own meal as the cook nodded writing it down quickly on his notes. Connor was observing around gathering area, probably just doing his pwn robotic analysis.

"Come on, this is different, it's 100% guaranteed. You can't go wrong." Pedro said Hank seem to fiddled are in his pockets slightly before giving into the bet and handed him what seemed to be a couple of twenty's and a hundred in there. "Alright I'm in." "Damn straight! Hey! You won't regret this!" He scooted off the streets. Connor walked up to him and Hank had a disgust look at his face already.

"What is your problem? Don't you ever do as you're told?" He groaned while Connor still had his face resting with out emotion. "You don't have to follow me around like a poodle." Which slightly hit me in my heart because I'd do that sometimes with people I recognize the most with. Just like at those parties from before in college.

"I'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station. I didn't mean to be unpleasant."

Well that just makes me curious what they did when I was enjoying my little coffee break back there. Hank seemed content by his apology and chuckled it off later. "You even got a brown-nosing apology program. Guys at CyberLife thought of everything, huh?" I smelt the food already coming from Hank's meal and leaned over on the table and I grabbed my own, thanking him and moved up across from where Connor was.

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