Next Case Gentlemen

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(Finally I found the gif of the software instability now the problem is I can find the one that's goes down ;-;)

November 5th, 2038

PM 11:21:04

  "Connor, are you sure that's a good idea?" I said, Connor just gave me a firm, aggressive like response. "It doesn't matter, we will go in there, the both of us." He pushes in the bar that clearly says 'No Androids aloud' There were sudden whispers in the bar. Connor immediately found Lieutenant Anderson, "Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." He grumbled. "I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were."

"They all said that you were drinking near by." I spoke. Lieutenant looked almost shocked by the sound of my voice, coming out of no where. "We're both lucky that we found you a this bar." Looking around, I chuckled. "I used to have a beer or two."

"What do you want?.." Hank replied, I fidget my speech, but Connor was still talking. "You were assigned a case this evening. A homicide, involving a Cyberlife android. In accordance with the procedures, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators." Hank snapped, "I know that! What does it look like I was born yesterday?" He sighed.

"Well I don't need any assistance, specially from a waste of plastic asshole like you." Hank took another shot. "So be a good little robot and get the fuck outta here." He waved off. "Lieutenant, I think you should listen to Connor and go with us now." He rolled his eyes. I slightly slammed the table, "It'll make sure life easier for the both of us, Lieutenant." I said, in a firm voice. He only nodded his head and put his drink down.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but I must insist. My instructions stipulate that I have to accompany both of you two." I laughed. "Me? No, no, no. Ha, I'm fine working alone. Maybe at least, a co-worker." I said.

"You know where you can stick your instructions?" He laughed and toke another sip of his shot. I looked at the bartender, "I'll have one shot of what he's having." Connor seemed confused and his comment towards him, not taking it as an insult. "No. Where?" He asked. Hank looked at him, and shocked his head, "Never mind.."

When the shot came, I drank it all. "Same whiskey?" Hank spoke, "Yeah, why you like 'Black Lamb Scotch Whisky?'" I asked. Connor stepped in, "I'll buy you one for the road. What do you say?" He said, looking at the bartender, "Bartender, the same again please?" He asked in a friendly manner.


"See that, Jim? Wonders of technology

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"See that, Jim? Wonders of technology.." He chuckled, then he looked at me, smiling. "Make it double." I smiled back. Connor, tried his best to smile, but looked weird for an android to smile. Especially, from the latest technology from him.

We both said 'Cheers' and drank our shot of whiskey. He looked back at Connor, "Did you say homicide?" He smiled.

We walked out of the bar, heading toward Hank's car 'Two seater? Are you fucking serious' "Lieutenant, I believe that not all of us will fit in your car." Connor said. Hank chuckled a little as he opened the car door, "There's plenty of room. (Y/n), just sit between Connor's legs and will be fine!"

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