Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: The plot and the characters of the story except Madelyn Everhart belong to the amazing author, Marissa Meyers. I do not own any of the characters or the plot although there might be some plot twists I might add myself.

Madelyn swirled her fingers at the red, blue hot flame emerged from her fingers. She concentrated on the small target in the training hall and lobbed a fireball at it. She decided to go to visit Max and Adrian. She reached Max's room which was beautiful, in fact, it was a luxury suite. She looked at the glass skyline of Galton, of the replica of the city. Her look softened as she approached Adrian and Max in quarantine.

"-you make that?" Max said his voice muffled with the glass.

"What no 'hello'? No 'glad to see you weren't killed by a psychotic villain today' ?" said Adrian.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better," said Madelyn. "I'm glad that the Puppeteer didn't get you"

"Where were you?" asked Adrian. "According to Smokescreen, Red Assassin and Monarch were there but where were you?"

"Smokescreen suggested I stay in today since the Phoenix is back from vacation. Melding with the Phoenix usually takes up most of my energy" I said.

"Reports have been circulating all afternoon, with most focused on Thunderbird. Though I know, Monarch and a few other also sustained injuries. The news is also providing reports on civilian casualties every few minutes" he paused before adding, for clarity's sake. "Obviously, I would have known if you were hurt"

Adrian grunted and lowered himself to the floor. "In that case, Yeah, sure I can make that, but the clouds not going to have actual lightning coming out of it. You'll have to use your imagination. You want some street food vendors too?"

Max's eyes lit up. "Yeah and the villain float, and the marching band?" Madelyn couldn't help but suppress a smile.

"What do I look like? A figurine factory" said Adrian taking out his marker and began to sketch the float.

"I'll help, don't forget one of my powers is genesis and materialization," said Madelyn. She looked sideways toward her brother as she concentrated on making the food vendors and the marching band. Small figurines slowly popped up on the table.

"You're faster than I am," said Adrian.

"Better if you don't use your powers continuously" explained Madelyn as she phased the figurines through the glass. Max held his hands out and they levitated in a circle until they fell.

He exhaled and opened his eyes. "Thanks"

"I think you are getting stronger," said Adrian. Madelyn nodded.

"That was longer than last time and steadier," said Madelyn.

"No, I'm not," said Max matter-of-factly.

"With practice, you'll get better. Besides some telekinesis is better than none" said Madelyn. As she fixed her gloves on her hands.

"Did someone really try to assassinate the Captain?" asked Max. She saw her brother hesitate, and then sigh.

"Yeah," He said. "A villain who goes by Nightmare"

"You've fought her before," said Max.

"I have," said Madelyn. Adrian looked at Madelyn in surprise. "When I was younger on patrol, there was a fight"

"Why would she want to harm the Council?" said Max.

"Maybe..... she wanted things to go back to how they were before," said Madelyn pursing her lips. The fireproof material was really irritating her skin, maybe irritating wasn't the right word.

"Back when everyone was stealing things and stabbing each other?" asked Max

"I don't get it, either. But I guess the people in power back then would be living pretty good right?" said Adrian.

"Do you think that's what this new guy wants too? To give the city back to the Villains?" said Max

"New guy?" Max pointed to the screen. Adrian followed the look and a chill ran down his spine. Madelyn squinted her eyebrows then looked back at Adrian.

"I don't think..." Adrian hesitated. "We don't know that he's a villain. He might have been trying to help. He fought Nightmare, and they say he wears an R on his chest"

"But he's not one of us, is he?" said Max.

"Oscar thinks he's some secret weapon they developed upstairs," said Adrian.

A commotion on the main floor drew her attention to the bright entryway. The Council had finally returned dragging the Puppeteer in chains, in chromium chains. The Captain passed of the villain to waiting teams, giving orders for him to be taken up the to prison block.

Adrian stood up next to Madelyn. Captain Chromium glanced up toward him and his face softened, perhaps with relief, though there hadn't been much of a reason. Both of them glanced at each other and headed down towards the main floor.

The Captain met Madelyn met Adrian at the bottom of the steps and wrapped them in a quick hug and gripped both of their shoulders.
Adrian winced but smiled.

"We weren't sure if you were at the parade when it started," said Captain Chromium. The Dread Warden appeared beside Madelyn and gave them a sideways embrace. "We're glad you made it back safely, Adrian"

He rolled his eyes at the ceiling. "Knock it off. You guys are embarrassing us"

"Not for the last time, I'm sure," said Simon. "Were you involved in the fight?"

"I was a few blocks away when it started. Spent most of the time playing traffic control to kids"

"It's a tough job," said Hugh "But it has to be done"

"Oscar knew my pyrokinesis would be unstable when the Phoenix returned. So I was busy in the training hall, bringing it back to steady" said Madelyn.

"How are you and the Phoenix faring?" asked Simon looking at his daughter's exhausted face.

"The merging was hard after three days, so I'm a little exhausted," said Madelyn. "Has an investigation started, she was after you. I heard"

"I'm fine," said Hugh scratching his temple.

"Noticed," said Adrian "But she tried to assassinate you today—and she almost succeeded. And she took down Thunderbird. This girl keeps cropping up, and I really don't think she's working alone"

"Neither do we," said Simon. "We're looking into it, but so far there's no solid evidence that Nightmare is with the Anarchists or any other gangs. She just got lucky able to use Winston's balloon for a convenient getaway. And without evidence—"

Adrian muttered dully. "—it's against the code to go after them."

"Try not to worry so much," said Simon, and Adrian realized he'd been scowling. "We had Nightmare's weapon sent up the lab for examination. We'll see if anything useful comes up." They talked about Sentinel then. And Adrian explained Oscar's theory and then Danna's injuries.

"I'm glad you weren't there," said Hugh putting his hand on Madelyn's shoulder. After their lab visit, both of them headed to the living room.

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