Chapter 4

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Madelyn was sitting in the basement of the Everhart house. She laid on the couch while Adrian went to get some ice pads for her head.

"Thanks," she said as he returned with three and handed her one. "Thanks, I'm feeling much better"

"That was really brave of you, to come after me in the burning building" said Adrian, as he ran his hand over his sister's head.

"So, we're waiting on the Council to meet us" said Madelyn as they both headed into the elevator with Prism.

"The Council wants to see you earlier" said Prism. Madelyn shrugged and then walked in.


At the end of the walkway stood five Chromium thrones. Adrian knew he shouldn't think of them as thrones—the Council got defensive whenever anyone suggested they were trying to become royalty—but he didn't know how else to describe them.

Blacklight and Tsunami sat in the first two chairs on Adrian's left—no doubt they were responsible for the water and lighting effects in the hall, which only made him more curious. Did the water and floating lights stay when they weren't around, or did they send them away at night, transforming the hall into well, just a hall?

Then there was Captain Chromium in the center seat, followed by Dread Warden—kind but stern.

The fifth and final seat was occupied by Thunderbird, her posture stiff and craned slightly forward to leave space for her wings, which were open and curling around the back of the seat.

Perhaps the most unnerving part of seeing them there was that his dads, like the others, were wearing their iconic superhero uniforms—not the gray bodysuits the current Renegades wore, but the vigilante costumes they had long ago become famous for. The Dread Warden in his black cape and domino mask. The Captain in a muscle-defining Lycra and shoulder armor. Next to them, his sister, Firebird, who was in her vigilante uniform—a black catsuit with red, white, gold and blue flames rising to the top of it and black cape—was talking to the rest of the Council.

"There is one more option, for our worthy future member of the Council. Upon, Adrian's observation, it seems that the Anarchists are active again. We need to see what's going on" said Thunderbird. "We could send Firebird to watch over them and engage if necessary"

"Absolutely not" said Captain Chromium. "It's too dangerous, I won't allow it"

"I agree, even if they're active, and even if we did see proof of it. It would be too dangerous to sent a Renegade into Anarchist territory" said Simon.

"Thunderbird has a point" said Blacklight. "We know nothing about this new breed of Anarchists. No intel." Tsunami nodded.

"Plus, Madelyn has proved herself in numerous ways" said Tsunami. "and we've interrogated Winston Pratt numerous times and got nothing"

"You know I have a point" said Blacklight.

"I won't allow it" said Captain Chromium.

"Dad, I'm not your little girl anymore. I'm a senior Renegade, I can handle this assignment." said Madelyn. All the other council members were looking at Captain Chromium.

"I authorize this assignment" said Captain Chromium. "But if anything is off, I am pulling you out"

"Got it" said Madelyn.

But Nova tried to smile as if she understood. "Am I allowed to ask where your parents are?"

"They're dead" said Max, without a beat of hesitation or an ounce of sorrow.

"I'm sorry" said Nova.

"Don't be," said Max. "They threw me off Sentry bridge when I was two months old"

"So, you and Madelyn are blood siblings?" said Nova.

"No, but Adrian and Madelyn are." said Max

"They were afraid of prodigies?" She breathed thinking about what Adrian had said.

"They were prodigies. Villains. Member of the Roaches" said Max

"But then why?" said Nova.

"I was dangerous to them" said Max. "And the rest of the gang too. They knew they'd be better off without us."

"How did you guys survive?" asked Nova.

"Captain Chromium and the Dread Warden saw it happen. The Captain dived in to rescue me. Meanwhile, the Dread Warden went after them" said Max.

Madelyn knocked on Max's window. Max looked up slightly to notice his sister in her vigilante uniform.

"I'm going to be gone for a while, Max. I wanted to make sure you were OK" said Madelyn.

"Maddy, where are you going?" said Max. "There has been talk about you going on a mission inside the Anarchist headquarters, please tell me it's not true"

Madelyn stayed quiet. Max couldn't believe it, his sister was going into enemy territory.

"Madelyn please don't leave." said Max as he opened the quarantine to let her in. "You can't, they'll kill you as soon as they see you."

"It's what necessary, Max," said Madelyn. "We need to know what the Anarchists are up to. They won't" Madelyn said rubbing his cheeks. "I'll be back before you know it"

"Don't die out there" said Max. Madelyn nodded, and then pulled out a wooden sculpture of a robin.

"It's beautiful," said Max. "Thank you, Maddy."

"Whenever, you feel lonely," said Madelyn nodding at the glass bird. "That will remind you of me." He placed it next to his city.

"What's your plan to get in?" said Max.

"I could walk in, and say I just want to talk but that would be dumb" said Madelyn.

Adrian cleared his throat. Both Max and Madelyn turned around.

"I heard about your secret assignment" said Adrian. "and I think walking in would be a great idea, you could play it out saying the hero thing didn't work and explain that your parents were Roaches and that you want to be an Anarchist"

"It's a start but I'd need to work on the dialogue" said Madelyn as Adrian grabbed a Chromium-lined suit as she briefly stepped out.

"I get it, they'd need to believe you." said Adrian. As Magpie approached the two of them with letters. She handed one to Madelyn and one to Adrian.


"I got to say, I like your plan but we need to work on the dialogue part" said Evander, aka. Blacklight.

"I got that covered," said Madelyn. "Trust. Me."

"I got you a mansion, nice housing. We've got you down as Madelyn with  your old last name" said Blacklight. "You sure, Phobia will recognize you."

"I'm pretty sure" said Madelyn.

"Then you're all set" said Blacklight. Captain Chromium and the Dread Warden both pulled her into a hug.

"You can do this, Madelyn." said Captain Chromium. "Make me proud"

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