Chapter 6

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After them telling her everything. Madelyn felt like one of detonators bombs were dropped on her. Nova. Duh? Nova Artino, Ace Artino, why didn't she think of that.

"Now you know everything and we do trust you," said Cyanide.

"Yeah," said Madelyn. "OK" her mouth felt like a desert.

"I think we shocked her," said Honey. "I'll go get her some water." Madelyn was still staring at the floor, trying to shake off the feeling.

"Thanks, I'm actually glad you guys told me. I won't disappoint," said Madelyn.

"You will go by the new name of...." said Cyanide.

"I'd like to go by old name if that's fine," said Madelyn.

"Alright, it's not a bad name" said Cyanide shrugging. Madelyn continued training with the Anarchists, she and Phobia rekindled.

"This house barely has any food in it," said Phobia.

"You said it, but it hasn't been used in a long time... so that explains why there is no food here" said Madelyn. "I didn't get time to go grab food,"

"Well, get fresh produce, I don't know if I can stand anymore of these canned meals," said Phobia.

"Will do," said Madelyn. She grabbed the keys of the rack. "Any other requests before I leave?"

"New clothes," he called back.

"Thought you didn't have to care about clothes, Phobia since you're going from the grim reaper look," said Madelyn

"Ha... ha, very funny. And actually, the grim reaper stole the look from me," said Phobia.

"You expect me to believe that," called Madelyn before shutting the door and starting he car so she didn't here his reply.

Madelyn only knew about five stores that sold fresh food these days. Oh... how she craved a grilled cheese sandwich from Mama Stacey's Greasy Spoon, but she had to buy some groceries first. She couldn't deny her feelings for Phobia. But there was no future, for them together, she was a Renegade to the heart and he was an Anarchist.

She threw in a couple of vegetables into the bag, grabbed some grass-fed steak and fingerling potatoes. She was heading back when she saw her brother. He was at at Mama Stacey's inside the grocery store.

"How's it going back at headquarters?" asked Madelyn.

"We interviewed the Puppeteer," said Adrian.

"And..." asked Madelyn as she tossed in a couple more fresh vegetables.

"No progress. But he did mention something about Cosmopolitan Park?" said Adrian

"Seems worth checking out," said Madelyn.

"What about you? How are things going on the enemy lines?"

"Things are going fine," said Madelyn "In fact, I am learning a lot of things,"

"Really?" asked Adrian. "What are you learning?"

"Can't tell you confidential, though it is good to see you," said Madelyn. "Adrian... we will find who killed your mother. I promise on my oath to the Phoenix,"

"I know... I hope Phobia isn't tormenting you or scaring you or anything," said Adrian.

"I'm fine," said Madelyn. "And I miss you too,"


Madelyn was in the kitchen removing the groceries with Phobia

"You OK?" asked Phobia.

"Just thinking, in general," said Madelyn.

"Well, you know if you think to much.... it could have severe effects on your brain." said Phobia taking out a block of white cheddar. 

Madelyn just paused to raise an eyebrow at him. 

"You know... what I mean is that you do your best thinking when you're not thinking at all," said Phobia.

Madelyn gave him a questionable look. "Maybe it's because I have known you for a long time,  but I think you meant to say I come up with the best plans when I am not thinking." 

"That's what I said," argued Phobia. 

"No, it really isn't." She continued pulling out the rest of the groceries which continued fingerling potatoes, grass-fed steak, and a couple lots of vegetables.

"What exactly are you making?" said Phobia as he smelled rosemary in the kitchen. Madelyn pushed his face away. "You'll see when I am finished, child." 

That night, Madelyn had made crispy fingerling potatoes, rosemary grass-fed steak and Caesar salad with white cheddar macaroni and cheese with honey pepper chicken. 

"Since when'd you know how to cook?" said Phobia poking at his salad. 

"By myself," said Ciara as she began eating the chicken. "and since two months ago." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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