Entering Enchantment

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It is a two week journey from the kingdom of Esmerdel to the kingdom of Enchantment. Enchantment lies in a hidden valley deep within the Bloodcrest Mountains. The mountains are so named because the peaks are dyed blood red at sunset.

As I gazed out my carriage window, I thought back to how I'd gotten to this time in my life-traveling to meet my fiancé upon the dawn of my sixteenth birthday. Being the second daughter of King Hagmir of Esmerdel, I had known all my life that I would be married off to some prince at the age of sixteen; I supposed that is the only thing second daughters are good for. I got to find out whom I would marry on my twelfth birthday-a day I would never forget.

The sky was bright and clear. The sun glinted off the crystals in the mobile hanging in the window; green and purple flecks of light danced across the walls of my childhood bedchamber. My father and mother were seated across from me as I bounced eagerly in my seat.

"Be still, Rose; bouncing like that is not proper." My mother said.

"Sorry, mother." I said, looking down to smooth out my yellow skirt. "But, please, tell me who it is already!"

My father smiled. "Very well, the man you are betrothed to is Crown Prince Oliver of Enchantment."

My heart sank, all my excitement suddenly drowned by dread. "P-Prince Oliver of Enchantment...? You cannot be serious!"

"You should consider yourself fortunate, Rose, to marry someone of such prestige. You will be queen of his kingdom one day."

"I do not want to marry the Goblin King!" I cried.

"The Goblin King? Prince Oliver is as human as you or I. Where did you get such a silly notion?" Mother said.

"I have heard the court ladies gossip about him. They say he is reclusive and mysterious, and that he rarely appears in public. When he does appear, he wears a porcelain goblin mask! Some say he even eats people! How can you marry me off to someone like that?"

"Rose, stop spouting such nonsense. I've told you not to believe a word said in gossip, it all too often exaggerates the truth." My mother scolded. "Prince Oliver was in a fire when he was a child, which left him an invalid. He does not appear in public because he is in weak health, and being around too many people could make him sick. As for the goblin mask and eating people, I am sure those are just myths."

"How can he rule if he is an invalid? Why would I want to marry someone who cannot even fill their office?"

"Rose, this has nothing to do with what you want; your marriage will be for the good of the Esmerdel royal family." My father said.

"How would marriage to a weak king benefit us?"

"Because, it is unlikely that Prince Oliver will live past age thirty, and when he passes on you, Rose, will be regent to his kingdom. All of Enchantment's riches will be yours. Isn't that exciting?"

"I guess..." I said, watching the flecks of light on the walls. The day did not seem so bright anymore.

Now that I was older, the moral implications of that phrase had begun to sink in. Even if Prince Oliver was not as frightening as his reputation made him out to be, I was unsure if I could really go through with marrying a dying man just so I could inherit his kingdom. Such a thing seemed unethical verging on sickening.

I was brought out of my revery as my entourage entered the valley. The royal palace, my new home, appeared on the horizon. The castle looked as if it had been carved from the mountains around it. The west wing of the castle was scorched and decrepit, like it had been consumed in a fire long ago. Black flags emblazoned with the image of a red rose-which I had, ironically, only seen illustrations of-flapped in the biting northerly wind.

The high, metal gates swung open to admit us. My entourage ground to a halt in the barren courtyard. A small crowd of servants and royal guards, led by a tall, imperious looking woman, greeted us.

The woman looked like a porcelain doll; her face was so perfectly formed. She wore her honey-colored hair in a prim updo under a gold circlet. Her lips were painted a luscious pink which contrasted oddly with her pale blue gown.

"Welcome, Princess Rose. It is an honor to finally meet you." The woman said, kissing my cheek. "I am Ambrosia, queen-regent of Enchantment."

I reciprocated the gesture. "The honor is mine." I said, glancing around the courtyard for a prince in a porcelain mask. However, I did not see anyone even resembling royalty, aside from Ambrosia and myself.

Ambrosia noticed my wandering gaze and smiled sadly. "I'm afraid Prince Oliver is feeling rather ill today and was unable to greet you upon arrival. He sends his deepest apologies."

My chest tightened with anxiety. He was not here? "I see...when will I be able to meet him?"

"I am sure he will have regained his strength within the next couple days, so you will be able to meet him before the week's end." Ambrosia said. "Come inside. You must be tired from your long journey. One of the servants will show you to your chambers, and I can have her run a bath if you would like." She turned and started back toward the castle.

"I would appreciate that." I said, following close behind her. Inside, I desperately hoped that Prince Oliver's absence was as just as his mother said, the result of an illness and not a reflection on his character.


Author's Note: I already have this story finished, and I will be posting a new chapter every day for the next couple weeks. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did writing it!

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