Meeting Mallow

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My family arrived a week before the wedding. They arrived in spectacular fashion-banners and trumpets and all.

My father, King Hagmir, was a narrow man with long dreadlocks and a thick goatee. His golden crown was resplendent with rubies and other precious stones. He offered his hand to help my mother, Queen Marianne-a petite woman from whom I had inherited my flyaway curls-down from the carriage.

My younger sister, Princess Mallow, guided by her attendant, followed behind my parents at a more sedated pace. She was of average size for a twelve-year-old and wore her curly hair short. She wore a simple, lavender gown and matching hair bow today.

Ambrosia and I greeted them in the courtyard, much as Ambrosia had greeted me only a few month before. I curtsied to my father and kissed my mother on the cheek before smothering Mallow in a tight hug.

"I am so happy to see you, Mallow! I hope things have not been too quiet around the castle without me." I said.

"It has been pretty boring without you around. The only person I have to talk to is Priscilla, and all she ever wants to talk about are politics and finding me a good husband." Mallow said.

"Father has not chosen anyone yet?"

"No, nobody wants a blind princess."

Ambrosia greeted my parents and led them inside. I took Mallow's hand from her attendant and followed them.

"I am surprised at your fiancé, Rose." My father said. "Has he not the common decency to greet his wife-to-be's family upon arrival?"

Ambrosia's paused in her step for a moment, her back stiffening.

"I am afraid Prince Oliver was feeling rather ill today and could not leave his chambers." I said. "After you have rested from your journey, I will take you to meet him."

"Tell me, how are you liking it here, Rose?" My mother asked.

"Everything is wonderful, Mother." I said. I was not actually sure how I felt about it here just yet, but I supposed I was content.

"Good, good."

As we strode through the entry hall, my father ogled the rich tapestries and fine portraits that lined the walls, as if he were sizing them up for an auction. My mother chatted idly with Ambrosia about wedding plans.

Mallow tugged on my hand. "What is Prince Oliver like?" She asked.

I smiled down at her, as she peered up at me with her glassy eyes. "He is very kind, certainly not what I was expecting."

"Is he really cursed?"

I saw Ambrosia flinch out of the corner of my eye.

"Do not be silly, Mallow-Oliver is not cursed." I said, waving off her statement.

"Is it true he wears a goblin mask in public?"

"Yes, but he does not wear it for any sinister reason. He has burn scars all over his face that might frighten more superstitious people, so he covers them up."

"Oh, all right." Mallow said, seeming satisfied.

We came to the guest suite. "Here is where you will be staying." Ambrosia said. "Princess Rose will come and fetch you as soon as my son is ready to meet you."

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I was growing concerned because this was not the first time in the three months I had been in Enchantment that Prince Oliver had been bedridden by one illness or another. I knew he was in weak health, but it seemed as though he might be suffering from something serious. I did not want to think about it, but it almost seemed as if Oliver was nearing the end of his life.

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