Wedding Day

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The day of our wedding dawned warm and bright. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I sat by my window, teasing my hair with a comb.

My wedding gown was absolutely gorgeous-a simple, white, silk skirt attached to a lacy bodice accented with real pearls. A silver tiara and white veil sat on a table beside me, waiting to complete my ensemble.

My mother rushed into my chambers in a flurry of excitement. "Oh, Rose, you look absolutely lovely! You are the picture of the perfect bride." My mother said.

An anger that had been building inside me since my confession to Oliver reached its boiling point. "Why do you care if I look like the perfect bride? You want me to marry a dying man so I can rule!"

My mother stopped abruptly, her brow furrowing. "Rose, marriages are always political; you know this."

"There is a difference between a political marriage and an unethical one!" I leapt to my feet, balling my fists.

"Rose, why are you angry at me? You are the one who decided to go through with this, despite thinking it unethical."

"I am not marrying Oliver for his kingdom, Mother. I am marrying Oliver because I love him and cannot bear to leave him in his last days. Did you ever consider that when you and Father chose him to be my fiancé? Did you ever consider that I might fall in love with him?"

Mother's eyebrows shot up. "Are you serious? You think that you are actually in love with Prince Oliver?"

"It is the only reason that explains why his illness pains my heart like this." I said, crossing my arms and looking at the floor.

I turned and hurried toward the door.

"Rose!" My mother grabbed my wrist to stop me. My mother stood silently for a moment, struggling to find the right words. "You are right-your father and I did not consider that you might fall in love."

I turned to look at her-there was pain in her gaze.

I looked down at her hand then met her eyes. A silent acknowledgement passed between us before I brushed her off and strode toward the chapel.

❀ ❀ ❀

I hid in the hallway outside the chapel. Oliver, Ambrosia, Sir Nathan, and my father were standing in the lobby. I hesitated to reveal my presence, as it is considered bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the ceremony-and more misfortune was the last thing we needed.

My father stood by the door, waiting for me to appear. Sir Nathan and Ambrosia seemed to be in engaged in an argument. Oliver stood off to the side of the room. I realized with horror that he was wearing his mask.

"He should not have to wear the damned mask!" Sir Nathan protested. "It is the boy's wedding for God's sake!"

Oliver put a hand on Sir Nathan's arm seemingly trying to calm the man. He seemed to say something that only made Nathan angrier.

"He is right; it is for his own good, Sir Nathan. You should learn your place!" Ambrosia said, hands on her hips.

"My place was raising the boy while you were too busy governing the kingdom!"

"The people will think he is cursed."

"The people already think he is cursed because of that damn mask; Princess Rose told us as much! Do not make the boy wear it in his wedding!"

Oliver looked between his mother and his caretaker; his body language clearly displaying distress.

"For what it is worth, I think he looks better with the mask on." My father said.

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