It's Still In Me

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"RONI NOOOO!" I screamed. Just at that moment I opened my eyes and heard my room door fling open. "Nessa what happened?!" I sit up and put my hand on my forehead while taking a breath of relief. I quickly answered Roni's question; "Nothing. J-just a bad dream." I said while shaking my head. Roni looked at me with a doubting look. "Nessa, you've been acting a bit closed off lately. You wanna talk to me about something?" Roni asked. I thought about it for a second and I still didn't feel like talking to her. Especially after that horrifying dream. But I needed to tell her some time. "Umm actually, I do. But I just don't think that I'm ready to talk about it yet." I tried to sound as polite as possible so that Roni wouldn't bug me to tell her right at that moment. "Okay.. but whenever you're ready, I'll be open to talk." Roni told me with a comforting smile. I fake smile back and Roni walked out of my room. I stared at my mirror for a while because I couldn't process anything at the moment.

At Dinner

I'm eating dinner with Roni right now and she just keeps on looking at me every few seconds. Then she finally started to speak. "You ready to talk yet?" Roni asks me. I think about it again but nothing comes out of my mouth. "Nessa?" Roni asks with a concerned look. She gets up and sits down next to me with her food. "Why don't you wanna tell me? You've always told me things when you were scared or sad." At this point I could tell that Roni was really concerned about me and how I was feeling. I couldn't hide this from her any longer. "Roni..." I start. Roni nods. All of a sudden tears start streaming out of my eyes and down my cheeks. "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm ready. I'm really sorry." I apologize while tears are still running down my cheeks. I run up to my room, shut the door, and lock it. "Why did I have to run off like that?!" I think to myself. I just couldn't process my mind correctly. Soon after, I could hear Roni coming up the stairs. I could tell she was trying not to make noise so that I wouldn't try to hide but I heard her this time. I walked quickly into the bathroom that connects to mine and Roni's room and skimmed the room for a hiding spot but I couldn't find any good spot. I heard Roni's footsteps getting closer so I rushed into her room and the only think I could think of was hiding in her closet. I ran inside and sat down.

*Roni's POV*

Nessa just ran off on me so I'm going up to her room to check on her. As I slowly turn the door knob and open the door I peek my head inside. I look around but there's no sign of Nessa. "Nessaa?" I call out hoping for an answer. No response. I walk into our bathroom and quickly push the curtain to our bathtub open. Nobody. I walked into my own room and my twin senses are tingling. "Nessa's in my closet." my mind tells me. I wasn't gonna just bust in there and force her to tell me so I just jump on my bed and wait for her to come out.

*Back To Nessa's POV*

I hear Roni walk into her room and jump on her bed. The springs of the mattress make a weird noise. I wasn't gonna sit in the closet all day long until Roni goes away. I was already starting to sweat and I couldn't take it anymore in that hot, sauna-like closet. I opened the door and walked out. "Roni, I can't keep this a secret any longer. I saw you kissing a boy at school."

this is kinda short but I didn't have any ideas of what I should do.

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